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“What the hell? Look at me, Luna.” He ran his hand up and down her spine.

“I’m fine.” She forced herself upright. “I got a little lightheaded for a second.”

“You’re more than fine. You’ve been pushed beyond your limits both physically and mentally. You’re amazing.”

“What I am is a woman whose idea of reality has been turned upside down and tossed around. The wolf I’ve dreamed about for years, that I’ve drawn and painted, is real, and he’s also a werewolf. Not a normal one but the equivalent of a special ops soldier. One with the sickle-shaped blade tattooed on his chest.” Kade’s hand dropped away. “I’ve had a spell put on me by some evil mage and had it painfully removed by another. I’ve taken enough subway and cab rides across the city to make me dizzy. I have no idea if I’ll ever get to go home again. I’m not amazing. I’m hanging on by my fingertips to sanity.” When she ran out of steam, she buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry.” The grim edge of his tone held more than a hint of sympathy.

“It’s not your fault. You’re as much a victim in this as I am. You didn’t ask to be the lone wolf.” When he didn’t answer, she raised her head. There was so much pain in his eyes, so much suffering.

He’s immortal.“Um, how long have you been alive?”

A cynical twist curved his lips. “Wondered when you’d get around to that. I’m a hundred years old. I became the gray wolf eighty-five years ago.”

“Holy shit!” She blinked several times. “You look great for an old guy.”

He gave a short laugh. “Thanks.”

“Are the other lone wolves—the white and black ones—the same age?” she asked after she’d swallowed.

“Yes. We all came into existence the same night, all three of us making our transitions. I’ve heard it whispered that we were all born on the same night, as well, in different parts of the world. That there were violent storms, a portent for what would come later.

“I have no idea if it’s true or an embellished tale and don’t care. Things changed a few weeks back. There are those who want to kill the lone wolf. The alphas fear our power. Young wolves want to make a name for themselves.”

He’s tired.For the first time, she truly comprehended how alone he was in the world. Like her, her had no family, no one he could trust. The difference was she didn’t have anyone trying to kill her—or hadn’t up until now—and her life would be measured in decades. His was never-ending, unless he chose a different ending for himself. She might not know him well, but she couldn’t picture him actually losing a fight—unless it was on purpose.

“It’s not fair. If you’re taking care of the wolf nation, they should respect you.”

“They pay us for the jobs we all do. Doesn’t mean they have to like it, but they cough up the cash rather than risk having one of us come calling.”

“At least you have the other lone wolves.” She’d forgotten that. He wasn’t totally alone.

“Yeah, about that.” He dragged his finger through his hair. “Since we have no idea why we’re all here, we keep our distance. It’s best not to get close to someone you might have to kill down the road.”

What a horrible way to have to live. The two people who truly understood what he was going through remained strangers. “I never thought of that.”

“Trust me, we all have. We keep tabs on one another, but I’d never spoken to either of them until a short time ago. Devlin Moore, the white wolf, reached out to me to confirm rumors of a mage and wolves working together. We’ve spoken a couple times since. The black one has remained silent. And speaking of Devlin, I need to contact him.”

“Is it safe?”

Kade’s smile was gentle. “Yes. You see, he recently found himself in a similar situation. He crossed paths with a woman with white eyes and streaks of white in her hair. A graphic artist named Zoe Galvani.”

Her stomach, which had settled, began to churn. “Magic.”

He nodded and drained his mug before going to the kitchen for more coffee. “Yeah. They’ve already had a run-in with Solange Dupree and Charles Armstrong. That’s the wolf she’s working with. I need to know what he’s uncovered. I’d planned to meet with him as soon as I hit the city, but I was drawn to the gallery.”

“And met me.”

He topped up her mug and nodded. “And met you. I spoke to him briefly last night. That’s where I got the names and why I recognized Solange’s when you mentioned it.”

“No time like the present.” She put her hand over her face to cover a yawn.

“It can wait. You need to rest. We should be safe enough here, at least for a day or two.”

There was one thing bothering her. One thing she hadn’t figured out. “What does Solange want with you?”
