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Shocked to his core, he clamped his mouth shut. It was pure instinct, the urge to bite, to mark her as his, to claim her. Didn’t matter that she wasn’t a wolf, that she was human.

It was rare for a wolf to mate a human. It was frowned upon by the werewolf nation and actively discouraged. It wasn’t as though a human could be transformed. That was pure myth.

Then there was the constant danger of a human spouse sharing secrets, especially when they began to age and their partner did not. Bitterness and jealousy had brought heartache and bloodshed in the past. Not to mention if they somehow managed to have a child it would be a hybrid, not fitting into either world.

This went beyond him thinking she belonged to him. This was biology at its most basic. Either by nature or by some twisted magical design, he could no longer deny the primal truth—Luna was his mate.

Hands clenched, he wanted to howl his fury to the gods. If he was a normal wolf, with a lifespan of a couple hundred years, maybe they could make it work. It would be a challenge, and they’d have to hide from the packs, but she was worth it. But he was a lone wolf, immortal. There would be no fairytale ending for them.

Their joining had been glorious, but reality threatened to taint it if he allowed it. He dragged his thoughts back to the present and to the woman beneath him. Luna stirred, stroking his hair with gentle fingers, calming the volatile mix of emotions swirling around inside him. “Are you okay?”

Shit, not like he could tell her the truth. His fangs had retracted, but his gums ached. “That took the edge off, but I’m just getting started.” He should get up and leave her before he got any more emotionally involved. That would be the smart thing to do. Levering himself up on his forearms, he began to thrust.

“You can’t be serious. You just came. You did, right?”

“Oh, yeah. But I’m a werewolf. I recover fast.” He sank deep. “And, sweetheart, this time I’m going to do it right.”

Her gasp turned into a moan. “Did you not notice I came again? Any righter and you’ll kill me.”

“What a way to go.” Satisfied he wasn’t about to mate her—something she wouldn’t appreciate considering the circumstances—he slammed his mouth down on hers, taking it, claiming it. If he couldn’t mate her, he’d make damn sure she’d never forget him.

A low growl reverberated in his chest. He didnotwant to imagine her with another man, but that’s what would happen when he left her. Luna was too beautiful, too vibrant and special to not draw the attention of some discerning human.

Maybe there was a way they could be together. His secret would be safe with her. He trusted her. She knew more about him than any other person in the world. And he could protect her from any wolf who threatened her.And maybe all my problems will miraculously disappear.No, there was no future for them, but there was now.

When he broke the kiss, her gray eyes were glassy. The circles beneath them bothered him, but her color was good. Biting her bottom lip, she twined her legs around him and met him stroke for stroke. He wanted to flip her onto her front and take her from behind but didn’t dare. That was the traditional way werewolves mated. Best not to tempt fate anymore than he already had.

His hips pistoned. His balls contracted. His dick throbbed.

Almost there, but he wanted to bring her with him. Shoving a hand under her ass, he tilted her hips. Every stroke, his pelvis rubbed her clit. “Yes. Yes,” she chanted. Her heels dug into the backs of his thighs. Her breasts bounced with each thrust.

The telltale flutters of her core warned she was close. “Come for me, sweetheart.” Taking a chance, he leaned down and nipped her throat with his human teeth, making sure not to draw blood.

“Kade!” Her body convulsed, her sex squeezing his dick. Head back, he howled as he emptied himself, heart and soul. His entire body shaking, he fell forward and rolled onto his side, keeping her pinned against his chest. Her breath feathered over his tattoo. It began to vibrate.

What the hell?

The marking had never reacted to anyone or anything until Luna. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. She squirmed, tilted back her head, and frowned. “You’re still hard.”

“I swell at the base when I come. It’s designed to keep me locked inside you for a few minutes.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Does it hurt?”

She shook her head, her hair tickling his chin. “No.”

“I could probably go again.” Best she understood the truth going forward. “But we both need rest.” And he needed to think. For some reason, his tattoo responded to her touch. He’d felt it while Onyx was removing the tracking spell, but he’d put it down to magic. Maybe it was linked somehow.

Nothing he could do about it now. He barely stifled a yawn. It had been one hell of a couple of days. Gritting his teeth, he withdrew from Luna. She gave a sleepy protest and settled against him, her breathing evening out. She’d fallen asleep.

He gently turned her onto her back and brushed a lock of damp hair away from her face. She was too pale for his liking, the faint tension around her mouth a sign of how difficult the day had been. She needed rest. The days ahead wouldn’t get any easier.

He climbed out of bed and padded barefoot to the bathroom. Not bothering to turn on a light, he ran a cloth under warm water. Taking it and a towel, he went back to the bed. She barely stirred when he washed her face before wiping the cloth over her arms and torso. She made a sound when he cleaned between her legs, but her eyes remained closed. After he dried her off, he lifted her enough to drag down the covers and tuck her beneath.

He wanted nothing more than to crawl in beside her, but there were things that had to be taken care of. It wouldn’t hurt to put some distance between them. It was his job to protect her. He couldn’t do that if he was distracted.

After pulling on his jeans, he grabbed her clothes off the floor, took his bag, and headed to the utility room off the kitchen. The only clothes she had was what she’d been wearing. She’d need them tomorrow. He tossed everything into the washer, along with the dirty laundry from his bag, and started the cycle. When that was done, he tidied the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

His wolf hearing would alert him if she stirred. Settling on one of the kitchen stools, he pulled out his new laptop. After he went thought the steps to connect to the wifi and set it up, he settled down to work.

If he couldn’t find what he was looking for, he’d contact the broker. Time was of the essence. An itch in the back of his neck warned that it was running out. It was late. He’d call Devlin in the morning. Best not to piss off the white wolf any more than he already had. He might need the man’s help to protect Luna.
