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Swallowing a groan, she rolled to her knees and pushed upright. “Not sharing? I thought you had a partner.”

“I’ll share with Charles after I make sure the process is successful.”

“I wonder what he’d think about that.” Maybe there was a way to sow dissent between the two. If they were fighting each other, they weren’t actively trying to kill her or Kade.

“Charles trusts me, as I trust him. Our partnership is a century old. Yours spans mere days. If anyone should be concerned, it’s you.”

If she truly believed that, she didn’t understand Kade at all. The back of Luna’s neck tingled. She didn’t think it was anything Solange was doing. It didn’t hurt, was more an awareness. Kade was either close or closing in. Her stomach flip-flopped. Adrenaline flooded her system.

An overhead light began to flash, sending slashes of red spilling over the walls. Solange smiled. “He’s here. It won’t be long now.”

Blood sprayed across Kade’s face as he dispatched another wolf. The fighting continued all around him. True to his word, the broker had sent reinforcements—a five-man squad of older, tougher wolves. He had no idea who they were, but they worked together like a well-oiled machine.

After confirming the location—and the sheer number of wolves guarding the place was proof enough—they’d come in stealthily from all sides, easily slicing through the metal fencing to gain access to the property.

While they’d met resistance, most of these wolves were young, not seasoned fighters. They were likely used to winning against humans simply because they were stronger and faster. Against a lone wolf and the band of mercenary wolves, it wasn’t much of a battle, but it was taking time.

He ran toward the short, squat concrete building. It was in the middle of an industrial park and was nothing special to look at, but Luna was somewhere inside. An attacker leaped from the left. He ducked and kept going, leaving him to the men behind him. A cry went up in the distance. Shit, he’d hoped to get closer before they were spotted. Putting on a burst of speed, he sprinted forward.

Two wolves came at him in a coordinated manner. These were the real security. Unlike those he’d taken out, these two were experienced. He threw himself to the side, rolling across the ground and back to his feet, narrowly missing his chest being ripped open by sharp claws. Instead of coming at him again, they put themselves between him and the building.

Snarling, he shifted, releasing his wolf. His forehead flattened, his jaw elongated. Clothing ripped and fell away as his limbs reformed. Fur pushed from beneath his skin. Both opponents took a step back, their gazes locked onto the marking on his chest. Did they not know who they were up against?

In that split second of hesitation, Kade attacked. Long, deadly claws ripped across one throat. His decades as an executioner for his kind ensured he hit an artery. The wolf might live long enough to heal…or not, depending on how fast, or if, he got attention. Then he jumped toward the other, colliding with him in midair. They fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Claws gouged at his flesh. He blocked the pain and grabbed his opponent with his powerful jaws. A strong jerk was followed by a loudcrack. The other male went limp, his neck broken.

Without slowing, he raced toward the door, angling his body at the last second. He rammed it head-on. Metal ripped and wood splintered as the portal was no match for his strength or determination. He paused long enough to raise his nose into the air. Ears twitching, he searched for any sound of Luna. The battle continued to echo outside. Blocking it, he focused on inside the building. It was unnaturally silent. Red lights flashed against the walls.

Picking up Luna’s scent, he loped toward the stairs, searching for potential traps. No one stopped him or got in his way. Wary, he nudged through the partially open door at the base of the stairs. A long corridor lay before him with gated doors ranging on either side. At the far end, a red-haired woman in heels and a white suit watched and waited. The stench of magic emanated from her.

He shifted back to human form. “Solange Dupree, I presume.”

“Kade Alvarez.” Rather than worried, she appeared pleased. His wolf scanned but sensed no other guards. There was no one beyond the three of them.

“Get out! Run! It’s a trap.” Luna’s voice gripped his heart. She was alive.

“Too late.” Lifting the phone in her hand, Solange pressed a button. A gate made of metal bars slammed down behind him. Snarling, he started forward. She hit another button. Gates began to fall from the ceiling.

Shit, she was trying to cage him.

Putting on a burst of speed, he went low, sliding across the concrete floor, like a baseball player trying to make it to home plate. Ducking, he made it beneath the second to last gate. The final one slammed down before he could make it.

Throwing back her head, the mage laughed. “So predictable. And for what? Some human with a drop of your blood. If not for that, you’d feel no attachment to her whatsoever. You’re both my creations. So predictable.”

Kade grabbed the bars and pulled himself to his feet. Luna was locked in what looked like a prison cell. She gripped the bars so tight her knuckles were white. She was pale, but her gray eyes burned with a fierce fire. His wolf chuffed inside him, approving of her determination. Sliding his hand through one of the gaps, he reached out to her. They both stretched, Luna going up onto her toes and stretching to her limits. Their fingertips barely grazed but her touch seeped into every cell of his body.

“How touching, how utterly pathetic. I wasn’t anticipating you having help, you naughty boy. Whoever provided it for you will pay. As soon as my people finish with them, we’ll get to work. I can’t wait to start experimenting on you.” She turned to Luna and gave her a dismissive finger wave. “It’s been fun, but you’ve served your purpose.” She gripped the ruby pendant around her neck and squeezed it until her fingers fisted around it.

Luna dropped to her knees and clawed at her neck, gasping for air.

Molten fury erupted inside him, spilling through his veins. On a roar of rage, he gripped the bars and pushed. Momentarily distracted, Solange released whatever magical grip she had on his mate, allowing her to breathe. “I do love your spirit, but it’s a waste of time. The metal was tested on a half-dozen wolves at the same time. You should be honored. It’s a combination of titanium infused with magic created especially for you.”

Solange and others seemed to forget he was a lone wolf. Either that or they truly didn’t comprehend what it meant. He could do what normal wolves couldn’t. Reaching deep into the core of his being, he pulled on the mystical force that made him who and what he was. The muscles in his arms, shoulders, and chest flexed and burned with the effort. The tattoo on his chest began to throb. Sweat rolling down his back, he planted his feet, gritted his teeth, and pushed past the pain.

Metal groaned. There was the slightest give. Gritting his jaw, he ignored the mad pounding of his heart, dug down, and pushed harder. The cords of his neck strained and tightened. The bars creaked and began to bend.

“That’s not possible.” Her outrage palpable, Solange raised her free hand and pointed at him. Symbols appeared on the bars and floor and began to glow. The strength began to leech from his body.
