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She can’t manifest fully in this realm.Luna didn’t question the knowing, but not being as strong didn’t negate the mage’s power. “It worked better than you expected.” Taunting her might be stupid, but if she was going down, she was going down fighting.

The shadowy figure trailed fingers along the jagged edges of the opening. “It did exactly what I expected. It lured your lover here.” She smiled at Kade and licked her lips. “I can’t wait to feed from you. Even the hint of your blood in Luna made her exceptional. I’ve enjoyed taking her energy to boost my own. You’ve served your purpose, my dear girl. You’ve trapped the gray wolf in this dreamscape and bolstered my abilities. My energy is fortified with that of the lone wolf.” Throwing back her head, she laughed and spun in a circle. “I’m unbeatable.”

Luna’s bravado faded. The truth was undeniable. Because of Kade’s blood running through her veins, she’d unwittingly been a conduit for Solange to siphon off some of that power. Not happening. Not while there was life left in her. A surge of love welled up inside her. Head down, she gave a roar and charged the shadow. At the same time, she sent a mental shove toward Kade, trying to push him out of the dream.

She rammed into the shadow and through it. It was like shoving through stygian cobwebs, all trying to imprison her in their sticky tendrils. Solange’s shrill scream slammed into her skull like an ice pick to the brain. Luna stumbled to one knee, eyes watering, temples pounding. A howl ripped through the air. Shit, Kade was still here, and he was pissed.

She swiveled around in time to see him pounce. He’d shifted, and huge wolf jaws were aimed at their enemy. “No!” Taking a running step, she went airborne, driving her shoulder into his side, desperately shoving the wolf away from his target. “Don’t let her touch you.” If those sticky tendrils dug into him, there was no telling what they might do.

He twisted his huge body midair and flung them both to the side. She landed with a hardthump, the wind knocked out of her. He skidded across the gray terrain, raising a small cloud of dust. Sucking air into her lungs, she rolled onto her hands and knees and pushed to her feet.

“You’re smarter than I gave you credit for, but it doesn’t matter.” Legs parted, Solange stood with her arms raised. A cruel smile twisted her lips. “You’re my conduit, my way in.” Her hands came down, and dark power slammed into Luna, shoving her against the gray wolf. As soon as they touched, greedy fingers ripped through her body and into the beast beside her.

A howl ripped through the air. Oh God, Solange was hurting him. Screaming through the agony tearing at her internal organs, Luna grabbed a single tendril with both hands, gritted her teeth, and yanked. There was no blood, no visible wound, but it burned like wildfire. Gripping another tendril, she did it again, ignoring the searing pain. Sweat poured down her face. Blisters rose on her skin. This was her dream, dammit, her special place. Solange was a noxious weed that didn’t belong.

She gave a feral smile when the mage gave a shocked cry, not used to being on the receiving end. It distracted and weakened her enough to allow Luna to rip out several more of the nasty shadow vines.

Then Kade was there, a man once again, his thick arms around her waist, dragging her away. The shadows fought to stay connected. He dug in his heels and pulled.Snap!The bonds, like a rubber band stretched too far, gave way. Luna fell hard against his chest but quickly pushed away. “You can’t touch me. She’s using me as a way into you.” The mage had dug so deep into her psyche there might never be a way to fully remove the taint, the risk.

Solange gave a yell of frustration. “Enough.” She ripped something from around her neck. Even in the grayness, the ruby shone like blood. Holding it in her hand, she closed her fist around it. Luna’s throat closed, and she dropped to her knees, unable to breathe. She twisted her wrist, and Luna’s heart squeezed and stopped. Opening her hand, all that remained was ruby dust.

Luna topped forward, the world fading around her.

Chapter Twenty

“No!” He leaped toward his fallen mate. Whatever magic had existed in that necklace, Solange had used it to hurt Luna.

“I can save her. Will you give me your power to save her or will you let her die?”

There was no heartbeat. Fear ripped at him as he turned her onto her back. Trying to protect him had cost Luna her life. “No!” he repeated.

The mage laughed. “Her death traps you here. It’s only a matter of time until I discover the resting place of your body and take it. Poor Luna gave so much for you, and you gave so little in return.”

Give her your power.The voice in his head stopped him cold. Though it sounded like his wolf, it had to be some trick of magic. No way would the lone wolf urge him to cede his essence to a mage.

The tattoo on his chest began to throb in time with his heartbeat.Giveheryour power.This time he caught the emphasis on the second word. “I’ll relinquish my power.”

“I thought you would.” The mage’s smug reply raised his wolf’s hackles. The beast crouched inside him, ready to lay his life on the line for their mate.

Raising his head, he sent her a feral smile as he slammed both hands down on Luna’s chest. Power surged through him like a bolt of lightning and into Luna.

“No!” This time it was Solange screaming. The shadowy figure swept toward him as energy exploded, the white light blinding.

His palms were on fire, but he kept them on Luna.Take whatever you need.

All of it?

Whatever it takes.He was a male wolf, an alpha by any definition. More than an alpha, he was a lone wolf, and she was his.I love her.He’d never told her. Never said the words aloud. Blocking out Solange’s yells of rage, he stared down at the face of his beloved. Her eyes were closed, her face still. Her skin had a grayish cast.

“Fight. Fight for us.” As the energy poured from his hands into her, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. “I love you, for eternity.”

Dark tendrils ripped up out of the earth, stabbing into him. Like needles, they attached themselves and began to drain him, to transfuse Solange. Keeping one hand on Luna, he reached out with the other and slashed through them with clawed fingers. For every one he took down, another leaped up to take its place. Focusing, he desperately tried to direct his energy away from the dark thorns and into Luna.

Stop fighting, and it will all be over.

He growled at the dark whisper and blocked it out.

The fight waged for what seemed an eternity. Time worked differently here. It could have been two minutes, two days, or two years. Lungs heaving, he sucked much-needed air into them. Every muscle in his body flexed and strained. A wave of weakness swept over him. He swayed and started to topple to the side before catching himself. Swearing, he kept his hand over her heart. Time was running out for both of them.
