Page 16 of Unfettered

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He led her into the country dance and snapped his fingers in the air before they parted, then returned to one another during the course of the dance. “Not to worry. These things have a way of sorting themselves out, and you of all people know just what to do when you don’t want anyone leading you where you don’t want to go.”

“Oh, Pauly, I knew you would understand.” She listened and said, “Pauly, they are striking up a waltz. You must have permission from one of the hostesses before you can lead me into a waltz.”

However, Pauly turned away from her at that moment as someone had tapped his shoulder firmly, yet politely.

Jessica stared. She didn’t think Rodrigo had arrived at Almack’s. She had not seen him enter its chambers, even though she had looked for him quite a few times. Her heart began beating so strongly, she almost put a hand to her chest. She couldn’t help but take in the measure of the man who made her insides flutter. He was magnificent. She hadn’t seen him for a couple of days, and the sight of him now quite took her breath away.

Pauly inclined his head, winked at her, and backed away.

“God’s life!” Rodrigo said on a low note. “Do you have any idea how deep those violet eyes of yours slash into a man’s heart?” He had her gloved hand held high, her body tightly against his own, and before she could give him a response, he bent and whispered in her ear. “I do have the Jersey’s permission to waltz with you, unlike that puppy you were just with.”

She didn’t like him calling her Pauly a puppy and answered sharply, “My eyes?” She scoffed. “Consider yourself safe from any such danger. Your heart, I am certain, is buried too deep to be reached.”

He was surprised, wondered what he had done to make her annoyed, and he could see she was annoyed. “You cut me to the quick, sweetings. Why? What have I done to displease you?”

“You interrupted my time with my...favorite beau.” She did not meet his eyes.

He stiffened, but pride, of course, interfered with his good sense. “Then it will be an object of mine to reunite you with him.” He was now whirling her off the dance floor before the waltz had ended. It was a large ballroom, but he saw the young man in question surrounded by a pack of swells, all sipping champagne and all in high spirits.

Jessie could see this as well, and knew immediately that her Pauly would not appreciate an intrusion.

“That, Rodrigo, is not necessary. The viscount will find me when it is convenient to us both,” she told him, her chin well up.

Rodrigo grinned and held her closer still as his lips caressed her ear. “Do you know, my little spitfire, we were meant for each other’s arms, and one day soon, that is precisely where we will find ourselves.”

She pushed away, and even so, was still nearer to him than she intended. Couples all around them made it impossible for her to rush off just yet, and if she admitted anything to herself, it was that, in truth, she wanted to stay near him with his breath so close to her own.

Besides, there was no getting away from him without causing a scene. She told him, her voice charged with her temper, “Señor, as it happens, I am a great believer in the fates, but if I thought the fates meant to put me in your direction, I would move Heaven and Earth to fight such a thing.” So saying, she was able to turn on her crystal heal and break free of his hold.

Rodrigo was a passionate man. He was aroused by Jessie in every imaginable way. She was a challenge. She seemed to dislike him, and for some reason, that irritated him. He caught her bare arm and brought her against his hard lean chest with ease. His voice was full, husky, and meant to seduce. She excited every nerve in his body to potency, and he meant to win her somehow. He didn’t want to think about taking a virgin. He didn’t ever seduce virgin maids. But this one...wielded his emotions and his desires. Perhaps he would just continue the flirtation without taking it to point nonplus. “Ah, sweetheart, those are brave words, but know this. You won’t be fighting only the fates.” He shook his head and gave her a soft smile. “Although, mere humans, you know, cannot defeat the fates, and I believe they have decreed that you and I, my spitfire, are meant to find a way through the fight to each other.”

Violet eyes snapped at him, and for a moment, he was lost in their fury. Damn, bloody damn, but she made him feel things he did not think he was capable of feeling. He knew he was in trouble but couldn’t stop himself. What was he doing? She was really just a girl. He would not, could not, hurt her, and he did not think she would allow it. She seemed to despise him.

Jessie forgot they were in Almack’s. It seemed as though the two of them were in a world of their own making. He was trying to seduce her, and she believed he wished to do so simply for the conquest. She believed Don Rodrigo meant to take her to a point, then back away. Afterall, she had name and position, and he had no intention of marrying.

Neither she nor Rodrigo were aware they had drawn many eyes to their little encounter, and oddly enough, Jess was not grateful when Sir Warren arrived to interrupt.

“Lady Jessica,” Sir Warren said. “Your Aunt Charlotte wishes me to fetch you to her.”

“Yes, of course, she does,” Rodrigo said, and stepped back.

Jessie saw the look of disdain Rodrigo gave Sir Warren. It registered that the two did not like each other, and that dislike was of long standing. They were very different men, and it also registered that she rather liked Rodrigo far more than she did Sir Warren. One did not have to guess what was behind Rodrigo’s words. Not so with Sir Warren.

Evidently, Sir Warren believed he was saving her from an awkward situation, but she wasn’t ready for ‘that’ situation to end. However, she had no choice and allowed him to lead her away. All the while, he made glib conversation as her mind raced.

Earlier in the evening, she had heard a bit of gossip. It was said the handsome Don Rodrigo had installed a woman in his lodgings, and it was also said he was greatly enamored of her. She had lingered long enough to also hear that Rodrigo would have no doubt taken her as his wife had she birth to go with her beauty.

Irrationally, Jessie felt a wave of jealousy which turned into fury. How dare he flirt with her as though he wasn’t in love with another! The only answer she could come up with was he was a rogue, a hell-bent flirt who would break her heart if she were not careful, because deep down inside of her...she knew she wanted him.

It was a lowering realization that she could want such a man. She had thought herself smarter than that. From such actions, it would seem Rodrigo had no principles when it came to women. He must know she was...untried and green, and yet he seemed determined to seduce her. How could he?

Don Rodrigo and his hungry, glorious eyes was certainly a man she must keep at bay.

~ Six ~

RODRIGO SAT BACK IN HIS hired hack and cursed himself. What in blazes was he doing? He searched his soul. Had he sunk to such levels that he would seduce a green chit? He watched the passing traffic as the hack took him from his hired lodgings in Kensington Square to Lady Jessica’s place. He was shaken from his introspection when his hack came to a screeching stop. There was an accident blocking the bustling morning traffic, and a great deal of commotion sprang up as people surrounded the vehicle in question.

For a moment, Rodrigo was diverted by the driver of his hack, who felt it incumbent upon himself to give his considered opinion on the scene and to express this in broad cockney curses.

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