Page 11 of From the Ashes

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The storm has passed, and the aftermath of the chaos is upon us. The devastation of the mess it caused is left behind. Now, we weather the storm alone.

I nod as fresh, hot, steaming tears fall from my sore eyes. “I… I,” My breath catches, and I stop talking as a single tear runs down Cain’s face.

“I will always love you, little dove. And I will wait for you… as long as it takes for you to forgive me. I’ll be upstairs. You know where. I’ll give you some time to think this through because I know this is not what you want. I sure as hell don’t want it. So I’ll be up there, as long as it takes, Makaylie… as long as it takes.”

My eyes clench to stop myself from hyperventilating as I will myself to find my next words. “Goodbye, Cain,” I whisper as I turn, walking through the door.

“Wait—” he calls out, but I shut the door before he can say anything else.

Leaning my back against the door, I cry into my hands.Immeasurable pain rips through my soul like razor blades tearing through the very fabric of me. It’s like my heart has exploded into shards of glass, and those shards are ripping my insides, slowly and painfully. I’m dying from the inside out.Banging my head against the door in frustration, I let out a loud sob as fat tears roll down my face, burning my cheeks.

“I love you, little dove. Remember… I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be upstairs when you want me,” Cain calls through the door, which only makes this hurt even more.

Sliding down the door in undeniable despair, the only thing crossing my mind right now is…

I really wish Joey were home.



My stomach is in knots.

My chest hurts.

My body aches all over.

I feel like I have the fucking flu or some shit.

If this is what breakups feel like, I guess I now understand the distaste for them. Even though my gut tells me to walk away—to let her go without a fight—I can’t. Everything in me is a fighter, and I know that, beyond a doubt, Iwillbe fighting with all I have to get Makaylie back. Because not having that bright spark in my life will make this all for nothing.

Walking away from her door was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but giving her some space is what she needs right now. And I will be back as sure as the sky is blue because I willnotgive up on us. Right now, I need to let out some pent-up frustrations, so I’m on my way to the warehouse, where I know they have finally got their hands on the fucking asshole who shot Morgan. Morgan has only just returned to the brotherhood but is still undertaking light duties.

The thumping of my boots on the red carpet can almost be heard over the beat of the slow music in the parlor as I make my way through the swarm of Bachelors. They must see I’m in a mood as they instantly move out of my way without hesitation.

It floods my chest with pride to hold this type of power from one single look.

I crave this power.

The authority and influence I have over the men are proving to be my downfall in my relationship with Makaylie.

Making my way through the back door, I storm toward the black room. Trap, Alfie, and Morgan will be with the fucker who shot Morgan. The door is shut as I approach, and sounds of fists hitting flesh and muffled pain-filled groans seep through the air. A sly smirk crosses my face, and I shove open the door, walking in to see Alfie laying a fist into the asshole’s jaw, and my black heart sings.

His eyes are heavily swollen, the skin a deep shade of purple. Lines of blood seep down his cheeks from the open cuts. His lip has a thick gash all the way through, which oozes a river of blood as he sits bound in the metal chair. His head hangs low as he spits out a tooth. The smell of the metallic tang of the blood in the air hits like a sledgehammer. The aroma is thick as it coats the air particles floating through the room.

It brings out a part of me that’s been buried. The Cain who first started here, the soldier, not the second-in-charge, and it ignites the animal inside. There’s something so entrancing about being a part of a man’s torturous downfall.

It’s euphoric—and this is the reason I don’t do it anymore.

The high, the rush, the lust for it encompasses my entire being. It changes you on a chemical level. It’s why I am the way I am. It makes you thirst for chaos. For carnage. And after what’s been happening with Makaylie, I want to cause just that.

They all look up, their eyes bugging open. “Cain? We weren’t expecting you,” Trap states, standing back, his hands completely clean.


He’s learning.

The bosses don’t get their hands dirty.
