Page 13 of From the Ashes

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His screams become increasingly louder and louder, and I’m so glad this room is semi-soundproofed.

He’s a loud fucker, that’s for sure.

I glance at the drawing Morgan’s etching across his forehead as he finishes the final touches. He pulls back with a giant smile like he’s proud of himself. A giant flaccid cock is now burned deeply into the guy’s forehead, and I chuckle as he pants in an attempt to catch his breath from the immense pain.

“I knew this guy was a dickhead, but this proves it,” I state, and the others chuckle as he continues to try and come down from the hell he’s in.

“What’s his name?” I ask Trap, and his eyes open slightly wider like he’s just realizing something, and inwardly, I cringe a little at the sight.

“Ahh… we never asked,” he replies.

My body slumps, and I clench my eyes shut, gritting my teeth in annoyance.

For third-in-charge, he has so much to learn.

“Payback 101, Trap…alwaysknow who you’re torturing.” I grunt, then turn to the dickhead. “What’s your name?”

He looks up at me, his chest heaving as he gasps for air. The sly smile creeping up on his face has me instantly on edge as I watch the tables turn.

This can’t be good.

“Aleksandar Zorko,” he murmurs.

The mere mention of those words sends the walls closing in on me. My heartbeat thumps in my ears, and I clench my jaw, releasing an exacerbated sigh while glaring at Trap.

“Motherfucker,” Trap calls out.

Alfie and Morgan start pacing the room.

Trap grimaces and shakes his head, turning to Aleksander, who glares at him. “What relation are you to Jakov Zorko… your boss…theZorko?”

“I’m his nephew.”

My entire body shudders at the thought of what’s just happened.

This fucker has played us but, more importantly, has played into the stupidity of my men.

I turn to Trap. His furrowed brows, weak shoulders, and twitching eyelid say it all—he knows he’s fucked up, and now he’s shit-fucking-scared.

“You let the torture of Zorko’s nephew go ahead, albeit not very dramatically compared to normal, and you did this because you forgotone simple rule,Trap?” I yell in annoyance, and he simply nods.

“Yeah, look, I fucked up, Cain. I’ll make up for this somehow, I swear. I don’t know how, but—”

“Save. It! Now we have a damn mess to clean up.” Anger runs through my veins like a tidal wave, crashing and banging against the surface of my skin, raring to unleash against the world. Not only my pent-up rage regarding this little fiasco but also about Makaylie.

This is all fucking with my head, and I need a release.

“Well, how the hell are we gonna explain this to Zorko, Cain? He’s gonna go batshit!” Trap asks, and Aleksander smiles like he knows he has his freedom in the bag.

Shaking my head, I run my fingers through my hair. “Okay, so here’s the plan. Zorko gave us Alek here for retribution to do with as we please. So, in my eyes, you’re fair game. Jakov knows us. He knows our end game. He knows we don’t suffer fools.”

Trap’s eyes open wide as he shakes his head along with Aleksander. I walk over to Alfie, reach for his gun holster, and pull out his handgun, the metal feeling at home in my fingers like it has been there a thousand times before. The strength, the utter control, and the undeniable force it exudes pulsate through my veins. My blood pumps faster and faster with the excitement holding a gun brings. The fact I’m going to use it for the first time in so long has my adrenaline spiking. Being a boss means you have others carry out your orders, but fuck that because right now, I’m going to get motherfucking filthy.

Turning, I pull back the slide, the click of the metal euphoric to my ears as it slides the bullet into place.

“Fuck, man, c’mon. I’m Zorko’s nephew. Youcan’tshoot me. You know what that will do to your deals with him, Cain. You gotta think this through,” Alek begs.

I shake my head as Alfie, Trap, and Morgan all watch my every move.
