Page 26 of From the Ashes

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Iwillgive her time.

Iwillgive her space

But Iwillbe back.

Turning on my heel, I head toward the elevator and return to my apartment. The elevator music does nothing to ease my mood as I ride the thirty-three flights. The doors open and as I step into the hall, Rodberg stands by our apartment door as if he’s waiting for me.

He takes in a deep breath. “That was a little too quick for a makeup.”

“I got to her door and bailed… I saw sense. If she needs time, I should give her time. I’m a fucking pussy, I know. Don’t rub it in. I’mnotin the mood.”

He steps aside, letting me enter the apartment. “On the contrary, you did the right thing. I thought you’d go in there all guns blazing and fuck it right up. If space is what she needs, then give it to her. Don’t be a stage-five clinger,” he mocks, and I turn around, laying my clenched fist into his ribcage. Not hard, just enough to knock the wind from him a little.

He hunches over, grabs his waist, chuckles, and says, “I deserved that.”

“You did. Now I have to make a call... so make yourself useful and order us some food.”

Rodberg nods asI reach into my pocket, grab my cell, and head to the balcony. The sweet breath of the nighttime air hits my cheeks. The moon lights the sky in silver through the heavy clouds, as in the distance, a thunderstorm threatens, rolling in over the New Bridge.I take a deep breath and look at the cell in my hand to make a call I’ve been thinking about since I arrived home.

Dialing Trap’s number, I wait for him to answer. It doesn’t take long.


“Trap, give me a rundown?”

“You left not that long ago. Nothing has changed, Cain. You’re fucking on edge lately.”

I let out a small grunt. “Trap, Alek was a problem which was taken care of, but there’s been no retribution. I have every damn right to be a…little on edge,as you so eloquently put it, fucker!”

He chuckles. “Well, whose fault was that?”

Gritting my teeth, I grab onto the banister railing and grip it tightly so I don’t punch something. “Trap, Trap, Trap… will you never learn? Just because I’m not there doesn’t mean I’ll forget and not knock you the fuck out later,capiche?”

“Yeah, yeah, so what are you really calling for?”

Rolling my shoulders, I crack my neck to the side, wondering if this is the best course of action, but my gut is telling me something’s off. I need to fix itbeforesomething big happens. “We need to set up a meet with Zorko. But I don’t want him coming to the warehouse. We need it to be in public.” Trap murmurs some shit incoherently down the line, and I interrupt him, “I’m not fucking asking, Trap.”

“Okay, fine! I’ll see if I can set it up.”

“Good… and Trap?”


“Don’t talk down to me again, or I’ll rip that rat-tail off your head and shove it up your ass.”

He chuckles. “Yes, boss.”

I hang up and take a deep breath as I look over in the distance. The raindrops now fall hard and fast like rhythmic chaos.

A perfect storm.

I hope this shit with Zorko is one storm I can weather.


Day Twenty-Four Post Cain
