Page 30 of From the Ashes

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But he has an edge to him.

He looks me up and down as his eye twitches, and his lips turn into a sly smile when his arms cross over his broad chest.

This guy is big.

As in muscles big.

He’s not as big as Cain, but he definitely works out, that’s for damn sure.

“Well, aren’t you the prettiest little thing,” he calls out loud enough that I can hear him over the music.

Unease settles over me like a blanket while I wrap my coat around myself for comfort from his prying eyes. I fake a wide smile. “I, ah… was actually just leaving.” I take a step forward, but he stands taller, his bulky frame now blocking the exit completely.

My muscles tense, and my stomach sinks as every part of my body screams out in terror.

This guy is a creep.

He oozes lowlife.

And Ineedto get away from him.

“I think you and I should have a little fun tonight, don’t you think,šeceru? ” he asks, saying something I don’t understand in another language. My stomach twists, and I raise my brow, turning up my lip simultaneously, unable to hide my disdain.

“Sorry, rain check. My boyfriend is waiting for me out there. I’m sure he’ll come looking any second,” I reply, hoping to scare him from whatever idea the asshole’s concocting in his mind.

A slow, eerie smile crosses his face as his eyes turn darker than the blackest onyx. His face takes on the look of the devil himself, and my body freezes in fear as he puffs out his chest. “Then I’d better be quick.” Suddenly, he rushes toward me so fast I don’t have time to think before he is on me, pushing me back into the clothing rack. My head smacks hard into the hard metal frame, and a sharp pain radiates through my scalp. My eyes roll into my head as his callused hand moves up, covering my mouth, and his other pushes me back as I slide onto the floor, slightly dazed.

I want to scream, I want to fight, I want to kick him in the balls and tear and claw at his eyes, but my body isn’t reacting as it tries to come back from the knock on my head. Icanthink well enough, but my body won’t react to my thoughts. I don’t have any strength as my heart races so fast I honestly wonder if it will burst. He kneels above me, straddling me, as his hand presses over my mouth, holding my aching head into the carpet.

My foggy eyes roll, and I blink a few times, catching glimpses between the darkness. His onyx eyes are intense.

My scalp is pounding, and the thumping of the bass echoing through the room makes me dizzy. It’s so loud the floor vibrates heavily with every droning beat.

His free hand moves down between us as he yanks my dress up. Bile rises in my throat as my fighter instinct is reigniting, even though my body isn’t functioning properly. With what little energy I have, I snap my hands up, clawing at the sides of his arms. My nails rip at his flesh, trying to get him off me. It does nothing to stop him as his blood seeps, running in a river from his arms onto my white dress.

Through his hand on my mouth, I scream loudly, trying with all my force to sink my teeth into his flesh, but it doesn’t dissuade him as his grip is too tight, and it only manages to make my jaw ache. I move slightly, thrusting my body upward in an attempt to get him off me. My legs flail around, so I bring my fist up, attempting to punch him in the face, but he ducks out of the way and groans as he grinds his hips into me, making me cry out in anguish at feeling his hard cock pressing into my panties.

“I prefer my girls a little more… still,” he sneers and quickly brings both his hands to the sides of my head, grabbing it tight, lifting me, and slamming my head back onto the floor—hard.


Undeniable and unfathomable pain radiates through my scalp so fiercely I see stars.

The light in the room flickers, and I’m not sure if that’s from me zoning in and out of consciousness or from the actual filament, but my limbs fall to the sides as I lose all control of my body.

He laughs maniacally, and the fear it brings to the surface washes over me, causing my body to tremble.

My stomach churns, making me feel physically ill from the pain, as he shuffles down, grabbing my panties and ripping them from my limber, fragile flesh.

When Cain did that to me, it was as sexy as sin, but this makes me feel as dirty as hell, and the bile rising threatens to choke me.

I just wish my body would move. I’m frozen in time as my head lolls to the side in a daze. I can’t even scream, and he knows it, not even caring enough to cover my mouth with his hand anymore as he leans down, undoing his belt, then his jeans, shuffling them down past his ass. Tears pool in my eyes as my body lay motionless in a daze.

The asshole pushes my legs wider as he leans over the top of me, grabbing my arms either side of my body and pinning them down. Hot salty water runs down each cheek as I zone in and out of consciousness as he lines himself on top of me.

My heart races faster than the beat of the heavy bass music.

I’m terrified.
