Page 35 of From the Ashes

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I feel like I failed her.

No, Ididfail her.

I shouldn’t have been staring at her.

I shouldn’t have been so fucking obvious.

Zorko went after her because I was paying her attention. This is on me. Fuck, if I don’t hate myself for it. Makaylie would never forgive me if she knew.

Pulling back the curtain to Makaylie’s medical bay, I glance in to see her sleeping soundly, making my heart settle slightly. Drawing my teeth over my bottom lip, I walk in, pull up a chair next to her bed, then sit down, gently running my fingers through her tangled hair so I don’t wake her.

It kills me to know how close it could have been.

This is the very reason I should let her go.

Ishouldn’tbe with her.

My enemies will use her against me.

She will be in the line of danger every single second she’s with me.

Now she has been seen, is she better off at my side where I can keep my eyes on her? Where I can protect her?

I just don’t fucking know.

But now I need to make a phone call to Joey. Tell her that Makalie is with me and not to worry. Then I need to make a more important call to Hurricane, the president of the NOLA Defiance MC, to see if I can get Trap and Selene out there to take Zorko’s body to dispose of it the best way Defiance knows how with their pet alligator, La Fin, because Zorko’s men can’t come after us if there’s no trace of his body left to find.


Gentle stroking along the back of my hand is soothing as I slowly realize that the sounds around me are foreign. There are beeping noises, talking, although it is a little distant, and the occasional alarm sounds. Creasing my brows, I wince at the pain in my head and slowly open my eyes, blinking a few times.

Cain’s sitting in a chair next to my bed. His head is resting on my lap, and his hands are holding mine, gently caressing it.

Flashes of memory return, and I realize I’m in the hospital’s emergency room. I bring my free hand up and run it through Cain’s hair. His head jolts up, his eyes brimming with sadness as he weakly smiles at me. “Hey, you’re awake.”

Nodding, slight pain radiates through my head and down the back of my neck, but I don’t let on. I can see he’s worried enough. “What happened?”

“As in just now or…”

I shake my head. “No, I mean just now. I remember about…that.”

“You passed out. I think the painkillers hit you hard, plus the adrenaline and alcohol. Mix them all together with a head wound, and yeah, it was bound to make you sleepy.”

“How long was I out for?”

Cain checks his watch. “Four hours, give or take.”

“What? What’s the time?”

“Three thirty-ish,” he replies as I turn my hand in his and lace our fingers together. He smiles, tightening his grip.

“Cain, you should go home and rest. It’s so late.”

He chuckles out an amused laugh. “You think I’m leaving you alone after what happened tonight? I don’t think so, Makaylie.”

Sighing, I nod, pulling my body over to one side away from him. He furrows his brows as I let his hand go and curl up completely on the other side of the bed. He winces as I withdraw from him, and he stands about to say something when I pull back the blanket and raise my brow, stopping his words. “Get in,” I demand.

He smirks, peering out of my room to the nurses’ station, then back to me. “Are you sure you want that? I mean, do you want someone so close to you after—”
