Page 10 of Stand and Defend

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She shakes her head, and her eyes shine with tears. It’s killing me. “Where’s Veronica?”

I wince. Fuck, she has nobody.

She swipes at her eyes and scans the dance floor. “Camden. Where’s Veronica?”

“Does it matter?” The last thing I want to do is hurt her more. Why twist the knife? She doesn’t need two heartbreaks in one night.

“Where’s Veronica?” Her gaze snaps back to mine, and this time her eyes are cold and shut off.

It’s as if she already knows but needs someone else to say it. “She’s with him.”

With a bitter smile, she shakes her head.

“I’m so sorry, Jordana.”

“It’s Jordan. I hate being called Jordana.” She turns to grab her purse off the table, snags her phone, and taps away on a rideshare app. Saying goodbye to the rest of the wedding party, she tells them she’s not feeling well and is heading back to the hotel.

“Where are you really going?”


She strides past me, and I catch up to her. “Are you good?”Wow, that’s a stupid fucking question!I hang my head.

“I’m fine, I just want to get out of here.”

“Don’t you need to get your things?” I nod toward our hotel.

“Veronica can have my things. She’s taken everything else, right?”

I will not let her wait alone on the Vegas strip.

“When’s the next flight?”

“When I arrive. I think Bryan can pay for a charter, don’t you?”

I smirk.Atta girl.

Ubers are about as common as herpes in Vegas, so her car is waiting by the time we make it out the front doors.

I open the rear passenger door, and she slips in the backseat. She pauses before closing it.

“Thanks for not covering his ass. You’re not as big of a dick as everyone says you are.”

“Oh, yes I am.”

She doesn’t respond, simply yanks the door shut, then a second later, the car pulls away from the curb. I’m left standing there, wishing I were beside her so I could go home too. The last thing I want to do is face the drama that’s about to explode inside.

I’m too tired to deal with airports and shit, but I’m definitely getting a new hotel for the night. I’ll fly out in the morning. On my way back, I run into Bryan—sans Veronica.

“Did you say anything?”

I can’t believe that’s his first question. “Dude, you know my dad used to have affairs, you saw how that shit played out. And her best friend? That’s so fucked up.”

“It was a mistake! It won’t happen again. I’m drunk, she was getting handsy, it just happened.”

Bullshit.I made that same trek with Kandii—he had plenty of time to reconsider, but he went for it anyway.

“Whatever, I’m going to bed.”
