Page 155 of Stand and Defend

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His eyebrows raise. “By herself?”

I nod. She single-handedly designed his downfall.


Puffing out a breath, I nod. “I wouldn’t fuck with her.”

He laughs. “That’s good to know...” His features turn solemn. “I tried to talk to her over Christmas, but Jordannever gave us the details of their... fallout. I can’t help but assume there was more to it than the cheating.”

I clear my throat and avert my eyes. That’s something for Jordan to share how and when she’s ready.

“We should have done more. Been there for her...” He reaches across the bar and sets his palm on my shoulder. “I want to thank you for stepping in.”

I nod. I won’t placate him with empty reassurances, because he’s right, they should have done more for their daughter, but being a haven for her allowed me to get to know Jordan better than anyone. And though I wish it happened under different circumstances...

“Best thing I ever did. She’s a remarkable woman.” My hands are sweating around the glass. “... And you should know I plan on asking her to marry me. It would mean a lot to her if we had your blessing.”

He smirks. “I wondered if that was coming. After seeing yourgrand gestureon the ice, your intentions were pretty loud. Jordan said it wasn’t a proposal, but it looked official all the same.”

I nod.

“You were there for her when we weren’t. You protected her, and she’s very happy with you. That’s all we’ve ever wanted for her.”

“I appreciate that.”

He takes another sip and slaps his thigh. “Well, we should probably get up there before they come looking for us.”

I close the decanter and follow him out.

“I hear you collect bikes,” I say as we climb the stairs. I’d love to see what he’s got.

The corner of his mouth tips up. “I hear you ride them.”

I chuckle. “Are you looking for lessons?”

“Possibly. Jordan told me beautiful bikes should be ridden.” He quirks an eyebrow at me.

Fuck. Cue nervous laughter. “I was talking about the bike.”

“Uh-huh. In the future, let’s leave my bikes out of your pickup lines, huh?”

“Understood.” Normally, I wouldn’t give a fuck, but knowing my future-fiancée’s dad heard my double entendre, has the room temperature going up a few degrees.

“Camden, this tree is an atrocity.” Patricia laughs.

“I tried telling her,” I say.

“No, he didn’t,” Jordan says. “He was entirely supportive!”

Her dad laughs, rocking on his heels and taking in the giant shrub thing that takes up a good portion of the living room.

My parents show up minutes later, letting themselves in. The introductions go well, and apparently, our mothers are both involved in supporting the arts and have more in common than we knew. They are becoming fast friends, and I can tell it gives me Patricia Landry’s full approval. That’s a relief. Once they realized that Jordan no longer backs down and is comfortable enough with me to make waves—not a double entendre—I won them over.

We were made for each other. I needed Jordan to open my heart, and she needed me to heal hers. She changed my life, and I’m a better man because of her. This woman taught me how to love with my whole chest. Together, we’re unstoppable.

At dinner, I make a small toast, then we dig in. Everyone is impressed by the dinner, including myself;Birdie can fucking cook. Within minutes, the moms are interrogating us with questions regarding our relationship. I look at Jordan and smile, we’re in love and going at our own pace.

“Your sisters are thrilled you are settling down with someone,” Mom says. “They really like you, Jordan. Have you two figured out what you’re going to tell people when they ask how you two met?”
