Page 23 of Stand and Defend

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They’re wrong on this one.

“So, what are you going to say to him?”

She presses to my back as I take a tight turn.

“Why do you want to know so much?”

“I dunno, curiosity?”

“Curious? Or a whore for drama?”

“Can’t it be both?”

“Well, first I’m going to return his ring. And after that... I wanna hear what he has to say. Not just the stupid messages over the phone. I want to see his face when he apologizes. I want to look in his eyes and see if he’s truly sorry. You and I both know Bryan likes his things—especially things he can’t have. He doesn’t like being told no. And I’m still mad.

“I think he thought this marriage was always guaranteed to him. I can accept having a marriage devoid of butterflies and magic moments. But I refuse to be taken for granted. I’m not going to be humiliated just because he thinks the rules don’t apply to him.”

Shit, her bar is so low she’d need a shovel to find it. As for Bryan, she’s hit the nail on the head. Of course he thoughtthe marriage was guaranteed, he’s one of the most entitled people I know—and I know a lot of entitled people. It’s a cringy attribute I ignored for much of our friendship. He loves things he can’t have, but I didn’t think he’d take it this far.

“But youaregoing to end it?” She can’t seriously take him back after that.

“I thought about trying to salvage it. However, the thought of going to therapists and counselors, all things he’s been promising in his voicemails, we would haveso muchwork to do in order to get back to where we were. And frankly, I don’t think where we were was that great to begin with. It’s not worth it. We aren’t a match made in heaven, we’re trusting our parents to know what they’re doing. But what if they don’t? We’re both unhappy. I have to trust my gut. As much as these days have sucked, I’ve started to feel like myself again. Something I didn’t even realize I’d been suppressing until I was away from him.”

It blows my mind she’s being so forthcoming with her feelings. Am I the only person she’s had to vent to? I agree with what she’s saying. Bryan fucked up, he’s leftmeenough desperate voicemails, but I enjoy hearing a man’s sob story even less than a woman’s. If she’s not in love with him, why would she marry him?

“So, when are you ending it?”

“I dunno.”

“Set a date, Jordan.”

“Ugh, I don’t want to,” she whines but eventually concedes. “I’ll do it this week.”

“What day?”

“Fuck, I dunno, Tuesday.” She thumps my stomach with emphasis.

“What about Veronica?”

She fidgets, and I realize I’ve pried too much.

“Actually, do you mind if we stop talking about it? This is fun, I want to enjoy the freedom. Tell me something positive. What are the three best things that happened to you today?”

She thinksthisis freedom, as if later this week she’ll return to captivity. Everyone has kept her in a cage. Even her family pressuring her into this marriage. It’s none of my business, but Jordan’s a nice girl, she doesn’t deserve this lousy arrangement. Worse is that it seems no one’s in her corner. The other bridesmaids were all his family members.Where the fuck are the rest of her friends to support her on this?Unless he’s been keeping her away from them. I hope that’s not the case.

“Okay, three good things . . .”

“Yup,” she chirps, as if she’s already pushed it to the back of her mind. I wonder what else she’s pushed back there.

“Well, the Lakes went up in the standings, so that’s?—”

“Doesn’t count. Three things that happened toyoupersonally.”

I groan. “Fine.Imade a goal. Next... Okay, so now that I’m captain, I’ve been really working on my aggression on the ice. There was a hit I took in the first period?—”

“Yeah, what the fuck wasthat about?!”

I grin. “You said you only watched the second half.”
