Page 27 of Stand and Defend

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“... Marnie got married in July. He’s an orthopedic surgeon. They just bought a beautiful home in Bearpath.”

“...Lorne had everyone out celebrating the merger. Cheers to building solid results in a challenging environment.”

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I want to get drunk, but my head’s still throbbing and I’ll regret it in the morning.


Scanning the room, my gaze catches on a gorgeous figure. My jaw nearly drops when the woman turns around—Jordan.

I haven’t heard from her since our ride the other day. I amble up to her with a smug grin. “Of all the gin joints...”

She startles, and I hold up both my palms.

“So it seems,” she answers.

Her eyes are . . . empty.

I nod to the shimmering floor-length gown she has on. She looks stunning in it.

“Not used to seeing you without the hoodie.”

She offers a tight smile. “Hm.” Her eyes convey nothing remotely close to happiness.

“So, which is the real Jordan? The one in the couture gown”—I nod to her dress—“or the one with apple scone crumbs on her baggy sweatshirt?”

She levels me with a hollow stare. “Both and neither.”

Out of nowhere, Bryan comes from behind and places his arm around her.

The fuck?

I don’t let my eyes react.

“Hey, man. Great turn out. Lots of money to raise tonight, eh?” he says.

I nod. “Hopefully, lots of new sponsors this year.”

What the hell is going on?

“Well, it’s for a good cause,” he replies.

“Excuse me,” Jordan interjects, handing Bryan her champagne flute and picking up the hem of her dress. When she reaches down, my eye catches on her diamond ring—the one I removed.Is her finger bruised?She pulls away before I can get a good look.

“Good to see you, Jordana,” I say, making sure to use her full first name. Something about this situation is fucked.

I scoff. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s not feeling well.”

“Shit, I tried out a new caterer. I hope it’s not the food.”

“No, no. Nothing like that. She’s just stressed. Finalizing the last of the wedding plans and all, she’s been working herself ragged. Everything’s gotta be perfect, you know how it is.”

He’s lying. He’s lying right to my fucking face.

“Oh, things are going well, then? I’m glad it all worked out. I’m guessing Veronica isn’t in the wedding anymore, is there someone else I’ll be walking down the aisle with?”
