Page 64 of Stand and Defend

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Bryan: I’m sorry.

Bryan: Jordana, please answer me.

Bryan: You’ve made your fucking point. If you thought I was mad before, just wait. You better be home by the time I get off work. You don’t want to fuck with me.

Bryan: WTF??

Bryan: Where are you???

Bryan: You’re going to regret ever walking away from me after I get done with you.

Bryan: Tomorrow, I want you to remember that you asked for this.

Bryan: Ready to come home yet?

That was the day I got fired.

Bryan: Look, come home and everything will go back to normal. I’m sorry about the thing with your job, but I’m willing to reverse everything if you come home. Do you see how much I love you, Jordana???

Bryan: At least respond to my texts.


Bryan: Do you really plan on never speaking to me again? How about you act like an adult and quit being such a fucking coward.

Bryan: I fucked up, okay?! What the hell do you want from me?

Bryan: Is this about Veronica still? She is nobody. You’re the one I want.

Bryan: I said I was sorry. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU????


Bryan: I’m only mad because I love you and I care about us. I’m sorry if I flew off the handle, but you’re scaring me. I don’t know how I could go through life without you. Just call me back. Let’s work this out. I’m willing to get a counselor if that’s what you need.

Bryan: We can fix this. We just need to set expectationsof each other.

A smirk spreads across my face.He’s losing it.

Andexpectations?Give me a break. Should Iexpecthe’s going to fuck my friends on the side? Hit me when he’s angry? I want to text back, but I feel like he would use it against me somehow. He’s already destroyed the normalcy in my life, I won’t load the gun for him too.

Now that I’ve got my things, it’s time to make it official. The wedding date has been creeping closer, and I need to tell my parents before they catch wind from the wedding vendors I’ve already canceled.

I check the time, 6:00 p.m. in Monaco. I click their name, and it rings twice before my mom picks up.


“Hey, Mom . . . we need to talk.”


After collecting Jordan’s things this morning, my anger was about to boil over. I dropped them off in her room, then had to get out of there. I’ve spent the last two hours at the gym and am still seething. I saw the hole in the wall from the clothes iron.

The lengths Bryan went through to cut off her resources... It takes everything in me to resist going back to the condo and waiting for him to return. After he threatened, terrified, and turned her life upside down, nothing would please me more than to play the role of karma.

I hit the showers after my workout, then find a secluded hallway at the training center and call my stepdad. He answers on the second ring.

“Hey, Camden, what’s up?”
