Page 30 of Only For You

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I shook my head and pretended to be devastated. “Bad news.”

Will straightened and gave me his full attention, concern on his face. “That bad?”

For a fleeting moment, I felt guilty about lying, but what was the alternative?

Hey, Will. Guess what? I can go home anytime I want, but then I’d have to leave you alone with Seb, and it’s not like I don’t believe you can do it, but it’ll be almost impossible to get everything done on your own, and I know how you hate asking for help. Oh, and I like looking at you very much, and I haven’t had sex in a really long time, and all this near-nakedness and bad kissing is giving me all kinds of naughty things to think about when I’m lying in your bed breathing in the smell of you on your pillow every night?

Jesus, Abigail. Get a fucking grip.

“I need to stay another week,” I told him. “Maybe more. The damage is, uh, significant.”

Will ran a hand through his hair as his shoulders sagged. “Shit. Sorry, Abs. I wish there was something I could do to help—”

“Actually, there might be.” I scooted up on my knees, eager to reassure him that my staying here was about him helping me and not the other way around. “I’ve worked out a few ways to keep classes running while the studio is closed, and one of them involves Seb.”

Will spared me a puzzled look before he glanced curiously at the baby, but then his eyes snagged on the clock on the wall, and he jumped to his feet. “I have to go. Are you sure you’re okay with Seb?” A frown danced across his brow. “I’m depending on you too much, aren’t I? You’ve got your own problems to deal with, and I’m asking for so much of your time. I didn’t even think…” Will rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “Maybe I need to hire someone to help with the babysitting or start looking at daycare options.”

“No!” I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest, surprised by how my body reacted so viscerally to the idea of handing Seb over to a stranger. “He needs stability right now. He needs to bond with you and get used to his new home, and I’m happy to be here when you’re not. I told you. I like the little guy, and I’m starting to get the hang of things. We’ve got a little routine going, and you know what they say. If it ain’t broke and all that.”

Will looked at me funny, kind of like he was seeing me for the first time, then grabbed my shoulders and yanked me against his chest before wrapping me up in a hug. His nose burrowed into my hair. “You know I appreciate you, right?”

“It’s always nice to hear it.”

I looped my arms around his narrow waist and pressed my cheek against him. I knew this hug. It was from the old days, and it was perfect, but it made me wonder if Will wasn’t ignoring our kiss after all. Maybe he didn’t think there was anythingtoignore.Maybe the increased sexual tension between us was all in my head.

I dragged my open hands down Will’s back and breathed in the smell of him, pressing my breasts harder against his body and humming contentedly against his chest. When his muscles tensed, I paused and listened as he took in a ragged breath and tilted his hips away.

A satisfied smile twitched my lips. Nope. Not in my head.

Will let me go and reached down to pick up Seb. After giving him the sweetest goodbye kiss on the forehead, Will handed him to me, then hesitated. The look he gave me was lingering.

“I want to hear all about the yoga classes,” he said, “but I can’t stop now.”

I shifted Seb on my hip, and Will followed as I crossed the room and opened the door. “It’s fine. We can talk on the way to Aunt G’s tomorrow.”

Will paused in the hall outside. “What’s happening at Aunt G’s tomorrow?”

“Annual family reunion.” His face dropped, and I winced. “I’m sorry. I’d get us out of it if I could, but Mama’s told everyone about Seb, and she’s so looking forward to showing him off. I promised her we’d be there. Plus, Aunt G’s got the pool, and there’ll be a barbecue. Seb can have his first steak!”


“I know the timing is bad, but we don’t have to stay more than a couple of hours. Just long enough to keep Mama happy and the rest of my family quiet about, well—you know. And this week has been a lot for both of us. I think it’s a good idea to get away from the bar and the loft for a little while. We could use the break.” I pouted and gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He never had the strength to say no to those. “Please?”

“Cheater,” he grumbled. “What time?”

“Any time after eleven a.m.”

Will ran a hand through his hair, and a little tension melted from his shoulders. “You’re right. I could use the break—though I’m not sure I’d call an Ellison family reunion abreak.” He gave me an exasperated look that I returned with a shit-eating grin. Will rolled his eyes, but his lips twitched. “I can take care of my emails in the morning and let the tradespeople into the warehouse before we leave. And I’ll call Stephanie to cover for me downstairs over the lunch service.”

“Oh, babe.” I gave him a patient smile. “You already did that when I told you about this six weeks ago.”

“Did I?” Will covered a yawn with his fist and shook his head. “Good to know,babe. So, I’ll send up dinner for you at about seven again?”

“Yes, please.”

He saluted mockingly before closing the door behind him.

I turned to Seb, running my nose over the top of his soft curls and inhaling his soapy baby smell. “So, little man. What do you want to do today?”
