Page 49 of Only For You

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We arrived back at the loft just as Will was due to open The Stop, so after a quick shower and change—and another kiss that had me struggling to stand—he was out the door, and I finally had the space I needed to take a full breath and get my head on straight.

That morning had been… unexpected. Our first real kiss. Our declarations. The way Will claimed me, but not in a sexual way—or at least, notonly. He knew I was scared, but he was too, and in some weird way, that made this whole thing less terrifying. Will wanted us to take a chance on thistogether. That morning’s kiss opened my chest and dissolved the apprehension I wore wrapped around my ribcage. With three little words, that niggling feeling that something wasn’t right evaporated like it never existed.

Plus, I could now confirm that Will was an excellent kisser. Like, knees-buckling, sigh-inducing, panty-ruiningexcellent. And thank God, because no matter how good a man was with his penis, I’d never survive if he didn’t know what to do with his mouth.

My afternoon with Seb passed like any other, but Will had arranged for us to have an early dinner with Lori and Ray at The Stop that night, so instead of making Seb’s dinner using the pots of vegetables in the freezer, I dressed him in something cute and made my way down from the loft.

Slipping into the bar using the private side entrance, I was surprised to see my parents sharing a table with Lori and Ray in the middle of the room. I paused in the doorway with Seb on my hip and watched the foursome for a moment. Though they’d always been friendly, Lori was more than fifteen years younger than Mama. Ray was closer to ten years younger than Dad. Yet they were drinking and laughing together, and it warmed my heart to see my parents so relaxed and happy.

While they were deep in conversation, I took the opportunity to skirt the edge of the room and sidle up to the bar to let Will know I’d arrived. It was a little busier than might be expected for the middle of the week, but that was a good thing. Will had created a sought-after venue, and as his social media profile climbed, so did his profit margin. He didn’t see me straightaway, so I hung back to appreciate my man at work. He was a natural charmer, and though I’d never say so out loud, Will, in his element, reminded me so much of his father. He’d had the dimples, too, the roguish charisma that made his social feeds jump off the screen and drew people to him like moths to a boyish flame. People like the trio of attractive women hanging over the bar, trying to get his attention right that minute.

A flare of jealousy burned hot and fast in my stomach, and the muscles in my jaw started to ache as I watched the girls flirt outrageously. I was somewhat soothed by the sight of Will on his best behaviour, but even with his dimple dialled down to one, Will Kidd was more than capable of sexual mass destruction.

One of the girls sensed my eyes, and her smile slipped as she glanced my way. Will followed her gaze, and when his eyes landed on me, I was the one who got his megawatt grin. As the pretty young things picked up their cocktails and walked away from the bar, disappointed that they hadn’t got what they really wanted from the man they’d come all this way to see, I couldn’t stop the juvenile surge of triumph knowing Will was now mine.

“Hey, you two.” Will dropped his towel on the bar and met me on the other side, holding out his hands for Seb. The baby practically threw himself out of my arms, and Will chuckled as I handed Seb over.

Without something to hold, I stood there awkwardly, and a flutter of nerves had me licking my lips. Was I supposed to kiss him hello or put an arm around him? Did I give him space while he worked and maintain a professional distance? I tried to thinkabout how my friends behaved around their boyfriends, but they were all so comfortable with the public displays of affection that I couldn’t recall how things had been in the early days of their relationships.

“You’re going to chew through that bottom lip if you’re not careful,” Will commented. “What’s the matter?”

I released my lip from between my teeth. “I’m wondering what a good girlfriend would do when she greets her sexy bartender boyfriend at work.”

“Ah.” Will’s blue eyes sparkled as he leaned in a little, but then his brows drew down and he straightened, and his expression grew sheepish. “That’s something I wanted to talk to you about. I spoke to Emily this morning about The Stop’s social media strategy, and I told her I was done with the playboy reputation.”

Surprise and pleasure warmed me from the inside, and I rocked forwards on my toes. “Really? Like, you did this before you picked up Seb and me from the yoga class?”

His mouth tilted up on one side, but then he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. And although she’s totally on board, she suggested that it might be smarter to wait until after we’ve wrapped up the tournament and announced the launch of my new brewery. There’s too much going on right now to throw another announcement into the mix.”

“Oh.” I dropped back onto my heels and crossed my arms, eyes falling to the floor to hide my disappointment. “That makes sense, I guess, and Emily knows what she’s talking about.” I lifted my chin and tried to grin. “But don’t think I won’t be having a quiet word with her later about this.”

Seb squirmed. Will shifted him to the other arm, but his eyes remained on mine, and they were alight with sincerity. “I’m done with the flirting, Ellison. I promise you that. I’m done with the casual sex. I’m done with everything that made Will Kidd the most reliable lay in Valentine Bay. I want to tell our friendsand family about us straightaway, and I can’t wait to make you mine in every way.” Arousal leaped in his gaze, and I audibly swallowed. “But we might need to wait a little while longer to start mauling each other over the bar.”

A vision of Will taking me on the long timber counter after everyone had gone home flashed through my mind, and I nodded distractedly as I played the picture through to its delicious climax.

I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs, and Will gave me a knowing smirk. Why should I care what the world knew—or didn’t know—about me? What mattered now was Will’s success and getting him through the biggest month of his career—of his life. If I needed to keep my hands and lips off him in public for a couple of weeks, I was prepared to do that. We could make up for it when the doors were closed.

Forget the days of foreplay and the extended tease. I wasn’t an inexperienced teen anymore but a grown woman with needs.

“But public mauling will be on the menu eventually?” I teased.

“Hell, yes. After the year we’ve spent watching our friends practically mating in the streets, we’ve got some payback to take care of.”

I pretended to groan, still distracted by the throb between my legs. “You aresoright. Those girls have tortured me with their satisfied glows for long enough. It’s past time to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

Will wriggled his eyebrows. “I’ll happily help you write a prescription.”

“When?” I blurted out.

“Desperation looks good on you, Ellison.”

I shoved his shoulder as I rolled my eyes, but my heart beat erratically, and I had to take a deep breath before starting again.

“What I mean is, when are we going to find time for mauling, public or otherwise.” I nodded at Seb in his arms. “Between thislittle guy, my classes, your hours behind the bar and working in the warehouse, we don’t have a lot of time. And Will, I don’t want our first time to be…”

Will nodded, eyes sweeping up and down my body in a way that made goosebumps spring up as though he’d brushed his fingers over me and not just his gaze.

“It won’t be rushed,” he promised. “And it won’t be bad.”
