Page 53 of Only For You

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Will asked me towait for him while he squared things away with Steph, but it was only a few minutes before he met me at the side door that led into the private hallway outside the bar, where the staircase took us straight up to the loft. He pulled me through and closed the door, and suddenly, we were alone, but just as those pesky nerves started swirling again, he paused and retrieved his phone from his pocket.

“One moment, okay?” he murmured.

I nodded, curious and a little anxious as he fired off a text, then frowned at the screen until a telltalepingannounced a reply.

He turned the phone to show me the screen, and my heart expanded at the picture of Lori holding Seb in his new bedroom. “He looks happy,” I observed with relief.

Will tucked his phone into his back pocket. “He does—and safe. So now I can do this.”

I stumbled back as Will slid one hand into my hair and pinned me against the wall. The hard heat of his body made contact withmy thighs, my hips, and my breasts, and I barely had time to lift my chin before he’d cupped my face and captured my lips with his.

The kiss was insistent, and I opened my mouth at the swipe of his tongue, meeting him stroke for stroke. Arousal coiled in my core, and a moan escaped my throat as I ran my hands over his back and down to his arse, cupping and yanking him against me while I rolled my hips against the thick length between us.

Will groaned and pulled back, breathing hard, and his hand became a fist in my hair. “I’m so close to fucking you against this wall, but that’s not how our first time is going to go.”

I closed my eyes and nodded. As loudly as my body screamed to be filled up by him, neither of us wanted to look back on this night and remember a quickie in a barely private hallway. He dropped his forehead to mine, and when our breathing had slowed, he kissed the tip of my nose, took my hand, and led me upstairs.

As we made the short walk to his front door, I had to mentally pinch myself. I was kissing Will. I was about to have sex with him. Things had shifted between us after the incident in the bathroom, but we hadn’t gone far enough then that there was no coming back from it. Sex, on the other hand…

Sharing my body never came with such significance before, and although my friendship with Will could and would survive anything—including sex—it was my heart on the line here. Was I ready? The swirling nerves and desperate throb between my legs aside, the answer was yes. So much, yes.

Will fumbled with his keys when he tried to unlock the door, and his exasperated grunt was equal parts adorable and reassuring. He was nervous, too. Once we were inside, he threw his keys onto the dining table, pulled out his phone and left it there too, then took my bag from me, looping it onto the coat rack near the door. Something that wasn’t there before hung inthe air between us and we stood in the almost dark, staring at each other. My heart raced, and so many thoughts ran through my head that I stopped trying to separate one from the other. I didn’t have to think right then. I just had to be.

Moving slowly, Will walked over and picked up my hand. Setting a finger under my chin, he tilted my head back and touched his lips to mine. The reverent brush of his mouth made everything tingle, and I melted into him, arching my back as he bent over me, letting him hold me up as my muscles turned to water.

When he pulled away, I let my eyes float open, and he was staring down at me with a serious expression. “I want you to know something,” he murmured.

Nothing in me was afraid of what would come next. “Okay.”

“I’ve never had sex with someone I loved before,” Will confessed.

I blinked against the sting in my eyes as his words sank into me like saltwater into sand. I loved that he was being so honest, even though it clearly cost him something to do so.

Will collected my other hand in his and twisted his fingers through mine as if he thought I was going to run away, but that was never going to happen.

“That makes me sound like an arsehole, I know, and I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to tell you, but I needed to say it before we… Look, tonight is the first time I’ll be with someone I love, and…” Will tossed his head and huffed out a dry laugh. “I’m nervous, Ellison. I know that sounds stupid, but I am.”

My lips curved in a small, relieved smile, and the butterflies darting around in my middle got faster. “I’m nervous, too.”

Will cocked an eyebrow, and one corner of his mouth lifted. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. This isyou, Will. This isus.” I squinted up at him with a crooked smirk, wanting nothing more than to put him at ease.“We both know I’m going to be good at this, but the pressure’s really on for you to perform tonight.”

His smile widened, and his dimple danced, and I inhaled sharply as he tugged on my hands, pulling me against him so his hard cock pressed into my stomach. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

I swallowed and got serious, giving his fingers a hard squeeze. It was my turn to return his trust with a confession of my own. “I’ve never been with someone I loved either, and I don’t know what that says about us other than maybe we’re both as bad as the other.”

Will ran his gaze over my lips. “Or made for each other.”

“Or that,” I whispered.

“I’m glad that my first time is going to be with you,” he said.

A smirk pulled at my lips. “I’ve never been with a virgin before.”

Will’s eyes twinkled in the dull light. “I’m trying to be serious here.”

“Oh, right.” I stretched up on my toes and brushed the tip of his nose with mine. “I’m glad my first time is going to be with you, too.”
