Page 56 of Only For You

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Finally, I was buried all the way, and I dropped my head, committing this moment to memory. This was Abbie’s heatpulsing around my dick. Abbie’s fingers clawing my arms. Abbie’s hips rolling against mine. I never thought she’d give this to me, and I’d never have this moment again. I wanted to savour it. Every—single—second of it.

Abbie ran her hands down my back to my arse, pulling me against her to make sure she had all of me. My groan was pained as she circled her pelvis against me almost lazily.

Her teeth bit on her bottom lip as she moaned, “God, you feel so good.”

I couldn’t believe this was real.

Grunting because I was so fucking hard for this woman, and it would have been so easy to lose control, I slid in and out of her with deep, slow strokes, paying attention to the play of emotion on her face, the arch of her back, the pressure of her fingers digging into my glutes. I met the tilt of her hips with the base of my cock, giving her clit the friction it needed, then licked the droplets of sweat from her collarbone because I already missed the taste of her on my tongue.

“Harder,” she panted as I moved in and out of her at a pace that tortured us both. “Faster. Please, babe. Faster. Harder.”

I only moved a little quicker as I tried to keep it romantic, but after another few long, slow thrusts, Abbie shoved her fingers through my hair and yanked my head back hard enough that my scalp stung.

“I appreciate the effort you’re putting in, and I promise I’ll tell everyone about your superhuman stamina, but right now, I just need you to fuck me. Hard.”

Jesus. She was something else. Something perfect.

I captured Abbie’s mouth with mine and picked up the pace, slipping in and out of her wetness with a speed that we both craved. Abbie’s muscles tensed, and her legs wrapped around me as the pleasure escalated, and I looped one knee over my arm to shift the angle so I could fuck her deeper. All my intentionsto go slow and adore her with loving, reverent touches flew out the window while she cried out “yes, yes, yes” at every obscene smack of my hips against her thighs.

The connection between us grew frenzied as Abbie raced to the end, and I hung on for a respectable second place. Sweat slicked our skin and made the slide between our bodies more sensuous, and I was hanging on by a fucking thread as I got closer and higher, moved harder and faster, and begged for Abbie to get there. Finally, her pussy clamped down on me as she tossed her head back, exposing the long column of her neck and crying out with release.

The pulses in my body echoed the pulses in hers as the throbbing pulled us under, and the seize-and-release of our muscles set us trembling and gasping at the same air.

When I opened my eyes, Abbie was smiling lazily underneath me. She was flushed with a pretty pink mottle from chest to cheeks, and the braid in her hair was destroyed, hair damp and tussled and totally sexy.

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything to drag us from this moment, I dropped my head and kissed her softly. When she snaked her arms up around my neck, I tumbled to the side and pulled her closer, my only want to make this kiss between us last forever.

Because this kiss was unlike any we’d had before and may ever have again. It was a moment in time we’d never be able to recreate, a new line in our relationship that separated “before” and “after.”

This kiss felt like we were saying hello for the first time but also for the last.



“Good morning.”

Will startled from where he stood in the kitchen, naked from the waist up and staring into nothing. I cleared the last step on the staircase from the loft and smiled almost shyly as he straightened. His eyes were bright and excited, his grin wide, and his dimple deep and natural. He looked like a kid who just remembered the awesome gift he got last night—and that there was still time to play with it today.

I was wearing Will’s old Salty Stop T-shirt again. I could tell he liked me in it, but the soft, worn cotton was comfortable to sleep in. My hair was a mess from all the sex, my cheeks were pink from the warm bed, and my lips were puffy from all the kissing.

When I’d looked in the bathroom mirror, I was struck with wonder. I never dwelled on things the night I lost my virginity. I hadn’t looked too hard at my reflection in case something about me had changed, something visceral that other people would notice. But today, I searched for differences—in my face, in myeyes, in my aura, and in my energy. I was lighter, I thought. I couldn’t help the way my mouth curved up at the corners. The goddess in me was innate and undeniable, and for the first time, I embodied her in a way I couldn’t when I found her on my yoga mat. I was happy.

Thrusting out my bottom lip in a dissatisfied pout, I strutted over and looped my arms around Will’s narrow waist. He wrapped me up and kissed the top of my head, and I squeezed tight enough to make him grunt.

“Imagine my horror when I woke up to find the bed empty,” I murmured against his bare chest before twirling the tip of my tongue around his nipple. His lungs expanded with a short, sharp breath, and I smiled against his skin.

I wasn’t really bothered by waking up in an empty bed—we’d barely fallen asleep—but I liked to tease him. “I know you’re new at this, but I think—Ithink—there’s an unwritten rule that people in relationships must snuggle the morning after.”

I squealed as he hoisted me up onto his waist, and I wrapped my legs around him, rolling my bare pussy against his hard stomach. I smirked as his eyes widened, and he spun and deposited me on the kitchen counter. Arousal throbbed in my chest and between my legs as Will widened my knees and yanked me against him, gripping my arse and holding me against his body, and I draped my arms around his shoulders.

He ran the tip of his nose across the curve of my neck, and when a ripple of goosebumps cropped up on my skin, he closed his mouth over them. “Weare new at this, babe,” he murmured, “and we can write any rules we want.”

Will might be in trouble for skipping the snuggling part of our first night together, but he was very good at getting out of it. So good that it was in my best interest to find more things to be mad at just so he’d have to make them up to me.

“Fine,” I said breathily, leaning back on my hands and opening my legs a little more so I could press my wet heat firmly against his abdomen. “Rule number one, you don’t get out of bed until I’m done with you.”

Groaning, Will kissed his way up my neck and across my jaw to my mouth. “Even if I’ve slipped away to make you breakfast in bed?” he mumbled against my lips.
