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Chen nodded. “I see.” He was still learning more about the family now that he was working with Da Han directly. Being the Vanguard under Mùyáng Mujin, Da Han's father, he wasn't always privy to the private lives of the family. Mainly because Mùyáng had disapproved of any behavior he'd felt was immoral or weak. He didn't even know about his son, Da Han’s, sexuality or kinks for that reason.

Chen Continued. “To answer your question, no, I don't think his sexual proclivities have anything do to with it. He just doesn't have it in him.”

“He can learn,” Da Han said. “Even the meekest man, when pushed beyond his limits, can become a lion. I want you to work with him.”

“I don't think that's a...” Chen's words faded away as the look of annoyance appeared on Da Han's face. He sighed, resolving himself to his task. “What would you like me to do with him?”

Da Han's expression softened now that he was receiving compliance. “Teach him what he needs to know. How to shoot to kill. His fighting skills need work as well. I've been far too lenient with him and that was my mistake. It’s because I allowed him to live here when I was in China. He must be up to par in the event we ever need to call on him for help. Once I kill my uncle, I'm going after the fucking Castiellos. Every man and woman will have to fight.”

Chen bowed. “I will make sure he is properly trained.”

“I want him put to the test tonight. I want to see what he's made of,” Da Han said.

“May I ask what my limits are? As you know, Yìchén can be… difficult,” Chen said. “What am I allowed to do to him to get him to heel.”

Da Han cocked an eyebrow. “To heel? Is my son a dog?”

Chen’s back stiffened and he cleared is throat. He silently chastised himself for the poor word choice. “No, sir. My apologies. I was simply stating that your son will put up resistance. I want to know what I’m allowed to do to get him to...” He paused to think of a better term.

Da Han nodded and sighed. “I understand. For that purpose, you have one hundred percent of my permission to do whatever you see fit. It will be as if your commands come from my mouth.”

Chen bowed. “Thank you, sir. I know what to do,” he said.


Da Han walked out of his office with his wife and Vanguard at his side. He made a few more phone calls, but this was going to be a family affair.
