Page 22 of Cass' Vow

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“Maybe” The word keeps echoing around in my brain.


After showing Cassto the living room, I escape to the kitchen to call in our pizza order. Once the door is closed I lose my mind.

Cass is in my house!

The woman that has been giving me blue balls for several weeks now, is in my house!

I feel like a teenage boy on his first date. I can’t believe the woman of my dreams is just through that door.

Opening the door just enough to peek through and make sure she hasn’t disappeared, she appears to be deep in thought. I reach for my phone to make one more call.

It wasn’t really my place to tell Cass about Arin and Taylor’s past. I need to let them know I spilled the beans but at the moment it felt like something she needed to hear.

Taylor assures me I don’t need to feel guilty about it. He points out that most of what I told Cass could be found by Googling their names so it isn’t some big secret.

I hear Arin giggling in the background, “If Cass is there tell him to get off the phone. Unless he needs tips on how to please her.”

“Woman, I’ll give you a tip!” Taylor responds before the phone goes dead.

It doesn’t take me more than a few minutes to gather up everything we need and rejoin Cass.

“Sorry, Taylor was on the phone.” I apologize to her.

My voice startles her and she jumps, “Oh it’s not a big deal. I mean, I kind of crashed your night.”

“You can crash all my nights.” I think to myself but when she starts laughing, I realize I said it out loud.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I escape to get our pizza. My face is still burning red when I return.

We eat in comfortable silence. She offers to help me clean up but I hand her the remote so she can pick a movie.

It won’t hurt me to put two plates in the dishwasher, plus it’ll give me a few moments to pull myself together.

Before rejoining Cass, I swing by the linen closet and grab a couple of throw blankets. Handing her one and keeping one for myself, I sit on the couch with her but there is a clear space between us.
