Page 39 of Snake's Fate

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Gabe continues cooking then fixes both girls a plate that they eat so fast I wonder if they even tasted it before they both place their plates in the sink then run outside. All before I ever finish my first cup of chocolate.

“Where are they running off to so fast?” I ask, trying to see if I spot them out back at their fort that they finally finished.

“I had some new materials delivered for them this morning.”

“Materials for what?” I question.

“A chicken coop.” He smiles broadly.

“What on earth for?”

“Well, they keep asking for a pet so I thought a few chickens wouldn’t hurt anything.”

“Chickens? For pets?” I ask and he shakes his head. “Can I ask what made you think of chickens?” I finish off my hot chocolate, sitting the cup in the sink.

“Well, chickens will teach them to be responsible and they are super easy to care for. Better than dogs in my opinion. Plus they can feed you.” He smiles like he’s the smartest person in the world and I just shake my head at him.

“I’m going to get dressed. My doctor's appointment is at eleven.”

“Trust me. You’ll like having chickens too. They make great fertilizer for your gardens.” He yells down the hall.

I can’t stop smiling at the way he spoils the girls. They love having him around too and not just for the things he gives to them.

They’re always asking him for help with building something and a few days ago I heard Skylar asking him billions of questions while he worked on his bike in the yard.

She’s always been curious about motors, how they work, what everything is called. Hank never knew how to answer her questions and always steered her away from those things.

I knew it was because he didn’t know those things either but I could tell it always disappointed her.

Gabe tries to answer every question no matter what the subject is. If he doesn’t know, he pulls out his phone and looks it up, reading it out loud so they all learn.

He’s so good with them and I hate that he missed so much of their lives.

We’re making up for it now though. We’ve not yet told the girls the truth but Gabe’s actions I believe speak louder than words. They’re smart kids and will figure it out before we tell them. I just know in my heart that they will.

Looking in the closet for something to wear, I try on several things before I find something that will fit. I really shouldn’t be this big so early on in my pregnancy. Getting dressed quickly, I turn to walk out the room and catch Gabe staring at me with a seductive smile.

“What?” I ask with a smile of my own.

“It’s a boy.” He finally says and my mouth hangs open.

“There’s no way for you to know that yet. I’m not far enough along.” I rub my stomach with my hand.

Staring at my stomach, he smiles even bigger. “What if it’s two boys?” At my gasp, he starts laughing and I grab a pillow from the bed to toss at his head.

“Take it back!” I laugh as he dodges it.

Picking up another pillow, he’s on me before I can turn around, holding me close to him.

“I love you.” He says and I go completely still, looking up into his eyes.

“You do?” I cup his face with my hands.

“I do.” He kisses the end of my nose. “I always have. My fate was sealed the first time I ever laid eyes on you.”

Standing on my toes, I bring his mouth to mine, kissing him deeply. Putting as much as I can into the kiss before pulling away.

“I love you too.” I smile with tears in my eyes, knowing that I’m exactly where I should have always been.

In his arms, forever. It was fate.

The End.
