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“I know.” The crocodile tears are back. “Can’t I just be your friend and come for a visit once in a while?”

I ponder this. Momma and I were desperate once. I completely empathize with Frank’s situation. “I need to think about this.”

He smiles and moves to the kitchen. “Well, while you do, let me grill us a couple of steaks. You didn’t throw out the meat I had in the freezer, did ya?”


“Great. I’m not a bad house guest, I grill, and I’ll be quiet as a mouse. You’ll see.”

“Yeah, but mice have a tendency to scratch and tear up things.”

“Oh, I won’t. I promise.” He pleads with his bloodshot eyes. “Please, Maribeth.”

“I changed the locks, how’d you get in here?”

His smile drops into a frown. Then he shrugged, lifting his hands, he rubs his fingers together like a safe cracker. “I have talents.”

“So.” I’m pondering again. “No matter what I do, change locks, add an alarm, set up security cameras, you’re gonna find a way in?”

He steps back, caution written all over his face. “Not if you say no.”

I sigh heavily. “I already said no, and yet here you are.”

Crocodile tears roll down his cheeks. “I know. I’m sorry.” He lifts his eyes to me. “I promise, it’s just for a few days. I’ll grill meat,” He looks around the room. “I’ll clean.”

My brows slam together. “My house isn’t dirty! Besides, I haven’t canceled the cleaning service yet.”

“I-I’ll do laundry and wash dishes.” He continues listing off all the things he can do if I’ll let him crash here for a few days.

Finally, I hold up my traffic-cop hand. “Stop. Frank. You can stay.”

He sucks in a lung full of air. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.” He nearly dances a jig.

What have I done? I don’t want the former owner of my house staying here, and yet I cannot turn him out into the streets. I sigh. Inside my head, I look up toward heaven, point my finger at God, and say, “You better be taking notes! I deserve some favors for this!”

I refocus on Frank. “So, how about those steaks? I’ve got some stuff for salad, too.”

He grins a big cheesy smile. “I’m on it.” He walks up to me and leans against me, gently taking my shoulders, lays his head against me as if to give me a hug. “Thank you.”

I hesitantly pat him. “It’s alright.” I say slowly trying to sound like I really mean it.

He steps back, tears glisten on his face.

I give him a pinched smile. “Do I have charcoal? Or a grill?” Insinuating, did he leave those things here?

He smiles like he’s chewing on a wire clothes hanger.

I’m so going to regret this… but then again, I owe it to the cosmos to help Frank out. Moving to Deadwood, starting over in South Dakota, has been good to me. It’s the least I can do to be good to Frank. One can never have too many friends, my mother always said.

I could use a few more friends, considering I have four in my life. What would it hurt to put Frank in that category, too. We have a lot in common, what with our propensity to gamble once in a while. At least that way, when Millie kicks him out, he’s not an intruder when he comes, and I know he’s going to continue to come. He’s a friend in need of my help and I always help my friends.

Maybe Lady Luck will smile down on me, kind of a pay-it-forward sort of thing, when I need her. If I need her. I know better than to rely on gambling to always solve my problems. It’s only a matter of time when my luck will run out, like it did for Daddy. I can never forget, it’s not a sure thing. But friendships can last a lifetime and it’s time I develop the good things in mine.

