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“I’d love some.” I call out to the stainless steel door.

“Good.” He steps back with a bottle of something red. I watch him extract the cork and see that it’s from the Belle Joli Winery downtown. They have some wonderful wines. I stand with him at the counter as he pours me a glass and himself just a sampling. “Thank you.” I take my glass and sip. “You can’t have more?”

He shakes his head. “Not this close to going on duty.”

I nod my understanding. “What did you say we were having for supper?”

An ornery sparkle fills his eyes. “I didn’t. And yet you agreed to stay anyway.”

“I did, didn’t I?” I tilt my head and blink coyly. “I suppose I have an innate trust in whatever you dish up.”

“Oh really?” He smiles as he takes the few steps to close the gap between us and takes me into his arms. “Whatever I dish up, eh?”

I nod, anticipating his next move. My heart was locked up tight after Jason, can I leave it open for Blaze? It feels right to trust him. There are so many things that can go wrong with this reasoning. Do I dare follow my heart?

Hoping he is going to kiss me, I close my eyes.

I am not disappointed.

His lips cover mine. A tingle shoots down to my toes and my knees feel like al-dente noodles. I taste wine on his tongue that teases mine. I arch my back, pressing into him, and am rewarded by evidence of his pleasure pressing back. I forget all about being out of breath or hungry. His scent fills my senses. Iam overloaded with passion. It rises up through me, filling me like a pot boiling over. I want more! So much more.

Blaze lifts me onto his hips, and I wrap my legs around him. He carries me to his bedroom, where we put to bed any doubts I ever had about starting a new relationship with him. He is everything I imagined he would be and then some. To be honest, with myself, I have never known passion until this evening. Blaze is certainly not Jason. And Jason never made love to me the way Blaze does.

Later, we eat the tater-tot and cheese casserole he has been baking in his oven. Did he really intend to text me to invite me for supper? Somehow, with the simplicity of the dish, I doubt it. However, this was the best potato and hamburger combination I have ever tasted, or maybe I am still euphoric from out previous activity. Either way, tonight was amazing. We stayed together, snuggled on the couch, watching whatever movie was on Netflix. It happens to beBack to the Futureand I loved seeing Michael J. Fox in his prime.

Blaze announces he has to get ready for work. Reality crashes down around me like snow suddenly falling from a pine tree when the wind blows. I gather myself and the leftovers he dished up for me to take home and head for his door. I wish we had more time to spend together. Maybe go for another round in the bedroom.

“Oh, say!” I turn to face him. He kisses my nose and takes me into his arms again.

“Say, what?”

I laugh. “We are doing something special tomorrow night at the Buffalo Bodega, can you come?”

“I might be able to. What’re you doing? Ya’ll singing Karaoke?”

“Yes, but it’s something really special. It’s a contest. Winner gets $25,000!” I didn’t tell him that it was a riggedcontest and Kate was going to win no matter what. My thoughts were, if Blaze cannot figure out our little scheme, Kate surely won’t figure it out. He will be like our beta tester. I chuckle to myself.

“I’ll make every effort to be there.” He smiles and lets go of me so I can walk out his door. I blow him a kiss and continue around to my flight of stairs. I feel like one of those actresses from long ago who seems to float wherever she walks as I ascend my stairs on a pocket of ecstasy that I hope I never come down from. I don’t know how this is going to work out between Detective Blaze and myself, but I am finally willing to give it a shot.

With any luck at all, I may never need to join an underground game or risk Blaze discovering my dirty little secret. Lady Luck has been on my side, so far. Hopefully with Blaze, she will continue to mind her manners and not come between me and this new-found romance.

Friday finally breaks across the horizon. I cannot wait to get to the end of the day when we get to watch Kate announced as the winner of the Karaoke Contest. Everything is in place. Fliers are distributed, people are excited, and there’s talk on Face Book about it. #KaraokeContest #BuffaloBodega #Deadwood #HopeIWin.

Dell Griffin has been fully briefed and knows what to do. Mister DJ, too, has been informed and promises to give it his best performance.

I stand at my kitchen window, watching for Blaze to return from his all-night surveillance, and sip my coffee. My phone chimes. I find it and look at the screen. It’s Kate.

“Good morning, my friend.” I say as I open her text message.

“I hate to do this, but I’m feeling under the weather. I don’t think I can sing tonight.”

I choke on my coffee. My phone chimes again. She continues texting. “I’ll give you a ride, of course. But I will have to wear a mask so I don’t make you sick too.”

I look up at the empty driveway next door. What do I do now??

“Oh, no, you don’t!” I yell at my phone. Whatever is wrong with Kate, surely I can suppress it with vitamin C, zinc gummies, pineapple juice, and cold medicine. I text her one more time. “I need your address.”

Three dots blink one after the other like a running marquee for a long time. Then she sends it. Did she not want me to know where she lives? I put her address in my google map app so I can see where it is.
