Page 113 of Filthy Elite

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She knows. She knows me better than even Dixie sometimes, understands things about me that only an enemy could. She’s vicious and tough, and when she chooses to kneel for me, she does it because she likes it, not because she’s scared I’ll leave if she doesn’t. And goddamn, is she gorgeous, laid out before me like a feast even after I glutted myself on her. She’s flushed and sweaty, her cunt raw and stretched and dripping with her cum, her hair a mess, makeup smeared and dried all over her face.

She’s fucking phenomenal, everything I’ve ever wanted—except truthful.

One by one, I’m cutting ties with everyone that binds me to this place. I have nothing to prove to the elites. The only person I wanted to prove something to was Gloria Walton herself, and now I have. Now she knows what she could have had if she wasn’t a liar and a fake.

Making her realize it, that she could have had a king, and now she never will, is all the revenge I need. Knowing she’s walking around school wanting me, wishing she was mine, willing to beg and crawl for dirt like me, is the sweetest triumph I’ve ever known.

I won.

I got everything I wanted from her, and now I can move on from her like I did Duke. After all, that’s all I’ve wanted since coming back here. Not to fuck her, but to find the truth, to fill the gap in my memory, to know if the flashes coming back to me were real. Now I know that they are. I don’t need to fuck again her because I already did. I’m walking away victorious, like the king I am and have always been.

But if it’s over and she’s out of my system, why am I craving her like a drug, already itching for my next fix? Why does the taste of her lingering on my tongue make me ravenous for more? And why does my victory suddenly seem so meaningless, as if my search for the truth yielded nothing? I would trade all the memories I’ve gained and the truth I’ve learned just to see her crawling on her knees one more time.

But I’m done with liars, done being manipulated by people who think they can walk all over me simply because I have no escape, no other option. I’m not that guy anymore.

I’m a king again. I have endless options. I make my own choices now.

“You have my answer too,” I say, turning to toss my cigarette into the trash before I walk out of the locker room and let the door swing closed behind me.
