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It made me want to tear my hair out, but it was the same with Umbra (if a little less intense), so it had to be an alpha-omega thing. I tried to look it up but couldn’t find anything specific in my Physiology Explored: Arkology textbook.

What. Ever.

I already knew I needed alphas more than the regular omega did, and if it was like this with them, it would be one-hundred fold with my mates when I got to them.

“Whatis that?” Dusk asked. His expression was unusually shocked as I stepped into the living room, ready for the study date Roxy had invited me to.

“What?” I asked, glancing between Dusk and Umbra, who were both on the couch, and both staring at me.

“Woah…” Umbra breathed. “Are you a goddess?”

I blushed, drawing my satchel closer over the outfit, unsure of what to make of that.

“Is it too much?”

I didn’t know who would be there tonight. Once again, I’d had a meltdown on what to wear—though this time, my hair was down. It was the evening, and I thought people dressed up more in evenings, so I’d picked a black dress that looked least like the school uniform. There wasn’t much, but the nest had a few outfits for different occasions. And when I'd put it on, it had felt kind of… magic.

They were just staring, but finally Dusk got up and stepped toward me. My skin got all tingly again as he approached, and my breath was caught in my lungs. He was eyeing my outfit, but I couldn’t take my gaze from his face as he stopped only inches away.

“Shatter,” he told me, knuckle brushing my chin.

I swallowed, clearing my throat. “Yes?”

He was soclose, and when he was this close, anything could happen. Sometimes he kissed me, sometimes he touched me or punished me, and sometimes he told me to get on my knees and take his cock.

My heart beat like a hummingbird’s wings, blood hot.

Had I done something wrong?

Was I trying to figure that out because I wished I had, or wished I hadn't?

There was no scrunchie this time, but he was always watching for any plot to get with my mates.

He took my hands and drew them to his cheeks. “Kiss me,” he told me.

My throat was dry, unwanted warmth coiling in my tummy. “Y-You want a kiss Ihaveto give you?”

He smiled, further loosening my sanity. “I want a kiss I know you’d be giving me if you didn’t trust the universe to decide your fate.”

I just stared at him, palms still pressed to his rich brown skin, thumbs brushing his sharp jaw. Those lips he wanted me to kiss, were framing a flash of white as a smile tugged at their corners. He was as breathtaking as he was vicious.

“Itwasa command,” he told me.

Right. I believed him. And I was trying to keep my nest Dusk-free. When it came to plots for my mates, he’d been dealing out the punishments then and there. But this wasn’t a plot, which meant he might not bend me over the couch and punish me at all. He might just take me back to my nest for breaking his rules.

I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that.

It felt like something we couldn’t come back from. I don’t know why, butthatI was sureof.

I ignored the trickle of heat that slid down into my core at the thought of his punishments.

Gently, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. It was a soft brush of warm skin as I chased instinct alone, not quite sure what I was supposed to do. Dusk had always kissedme, not the other way around.

Midnight opium spiked, sharp and wanting, and I reacted without thought, leaning up and completing the kiss. His fist tangled in my hair, a groan in his chest as he held me in place, exploring my mouth with his tongue. At the sound alone, my stomach flipped, fireflies lighting in my chest and goosebumps erupting across my skin.

His other hand dropped to my hips, then beneath the dress, grabbing my ass and dragging me against him. I let out a gasp of a breath as he squeezed the faint ache from where his belt had struck me just a few days before. I still didn’t know why his punishments, of all things, made slick pool between my thighs. It made no sense at all.

“Fuck,” he breathed, drawing away for just a moment, tilting my head back so he could run his kiss down my jaw and neck.
