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“Curiouser and curiouser,” she said, poking me in the shoulder with her pen. “Who, then?”

I opened my mouth and shut it, thinking. “I wasn’t.” It was a lie, and not a lie. I’d come for the Lincoln pack, but aside that, there had been no plan. No list. No other pack I wanted as seconds.

“Oh. So you were here for…?”

“Just… Arkology.”Thatwas a lie I could get behind.

“Just a regular enrollment?”

I nodded.

I knew it wasn’t nearly as common for omegas. Competing for packs offered full rides, as well as unique opportunities in their field of study. Most were here for that. There were other places to get degrees, but in academies like this, the prospective elite packswerethe point.

Also, despite its alpha-centric nature, there was a stronger omega culture here, which made it more comfortable for omegas who wanted to study. I had heard that most regular universities were dominated by betas and alphas.

“Wow.” Roxy’s eyes were fixed on me intensely. “Honestly, I hit it big on socials and got a bit of name recognition, but even then… the fees are ridiculous, and they’re all about prestige here. I wouldn’t have had the courage to not even plan for a pack. That’s actually really cool. And… well…” She grinned. “That explains why you’re a bit off balance. Imagine that. Not coming for a pack at all, and then getting picked by them. And they aresointo you.”

My smile felt forced. Okay. So it seemed like a good lie for my lack of social graces at least, but I felt guilty at her excitement. She seemed to think I was the cool one, which was definitely all wrong.

Roxy settled in, looking even more pleased. “Right. I can get you up to speed on the Omega Studies. I think it’s a bunch of rubbish, but I’ve done classes like it before. So. If you’re down…?”

“I…” I swallowed, feeling even more guilty at how badly I wanted that, and at how much I liked her. “I would like that.”


Today was the first time in months that I’d heard Ransom’s purr.

It was a step to healing.

All because of her.

The scrunchie scents were wearing off, but Shatter had her scent out in full force on the weekend, so I might have stolen a blanket from her nest. Shoot me. I hadn’t left my scent behind and she’d never know.

I didn’t care. Not if it meant this. Ransom’s face was peaceful beneath his sweep of messy auburn hair as he lay curled up beneath it, a low rumble in his chest.

Shatter had wormed her way into every waking moment of my life.

I was falling so hard I wasn’t sure what to do with it.

I had a flash of the last time she’d acted like a brat, the way her eyes had held mine as I dragged her sweet lips over my cock. She hadn’t looked away, not even as I choked her. I’d left the scrunchie in her hair that time, fist closed around it, her incredible poison rising in the air around her. The only problem it posed was that I’d almost finished instantly. It had been a fucking task to keep my orgasm at bay long enough to savour the moment.

She was in a constant battle with contentment, living with us. There were so many more pieces I had to shift out of her way so she could see the straight path to our pack, but it was happening. I was getting there.

All I had to do was move beside her and I could see her flinch, eyes darting to see what I was doing, pupils blowing wide and giving her away.

Umbra was obsessed; I could feel his lust down the bond when he watched us. He should get over that karma shit. I wanted to see them together.

I wondered what Ransom would think of her.

I knew he would love her, but how would they be together?

Right now I was resting in his bed, listening to the low purr.

I remembered that purr. I’d heard it once when we’d taken him out to the local park, back when we thought he was getting better—that the worst had passed. Fucking idiots we were.

We’d all sat on a bench and watched the picnics, the children play, and the trees billow in the autumn wind. He’d been so happy he couldn’t stop his purr no matter how hard he tried, face going beet red as we roasted him for it.

There was a smile on my face but it vanished as the memory faded.
