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Me: How are they doing with their omega?

Decebal: She’s holding her own. Doesn’t seem all that impressed by them.

Me: Good.

Me: Can you keep an eye on her?

Decebal: What do you want me looking for?

Me: Anything dangerous.

Holding her own was good for Roxy’s sake, but I didn’t trust the Lincoln pack to take that sitting down.

Shatter had just returned from the study session glowing, and I was unexpectedly happy she’d gone. After her first class, I’d been worried. Predictable cunts had tried to tear her down, including some of the elite level omegas like Jasmine Lynn (who’d left black roses at our door every day leading up to the ball despite our utter rejection of her). But, fuck me, Roxy did actually seem nice.

The least I could do was keep an eye out.

And I didn’t need to be worried about these study sessions beyond that. I didn’t trust that Shatter wasn’t still (probably at this very moment) conjuring more devious schemes to get back to her mates, but I’d planned for everything.

What she didn’t know was that I’d placed bugs in her boots so I could find her if she decided to run off and let her blockers lapse.



Roxy and I were finishing off a Thursday evening study session. It had been a really good one where she'd helped clear up some of the omega etiquette questions I couldn't wrap my head around when it came to black-tie events.

Roxy was very good at picking out the most important pieces of the study material while waving away the rest. I appreciated that because otherwise it would all be far too overwhelming.

There was an upcoming ball that I knew I'd be expected to attend, and I was already having minor heart flutters at the idea. The first ball where we’d been chosen by our packs had been bad enough, but I'd been so focused on meeting my mates that I hadn't thought too hard about it. Now, I was under the scrutiny of the entire school as the Kingsman omega, all while trying not to look like a fool to my mates.

The Omega Studies textbook had outlined six different ways to eat with dignity at high-end events, including a list of food that we were supposed toavoid. Roxy had dismissed most of them, which was good because I had been able to stay up all night researching all the pasta names I didn't understand.

We were just packing up, and I was feeling more confident about the whole situation when there was a knock on the door, and it creaked open. My eyes snapped up when I caught the trace of passionfruit in the air. Eric was leaning against the doorframe, arms folded as his eyes drifted over me and Roxy.

“Oh, did we over-run?” Roxy asked, glancing at her phone before tucking it in her pocket.

“Thought I’d come down,” he said.

“We’re going to study in the library after,” Roxy told me. “Genetic and Genomics is proving a challenge.”

“Oh…” I said, scrambling for what to say to that. “N-nice–” I began, then had to grab for my book, which was sliding off the desk as I missed my bag because I was staring at Eric.

His eyes flickered from Roxy, who began putting her own books away, to me. Our gazes met for a long, long time, and I couldn’t move.

I couldn’t pin down his expression, though. He’d smiled the first time I’d bumped into him—and still I’d never seen him offer a smile like that to anyone again. Right now, his gaze was appraising, as if he wasn’t sure what to make of me.

That was abnormal, right? I shouldn’t hold someone’s gaze for that long.

He would think it was really odd…

Finally, he broke thestare as Roxy stood, shouldering her bag. She said goodbye, and then the door closed behind them, leaving me alone with one crazy train of thought I couldn’t shake.

The study session had ended on time, but would Dusk be suspicious if I didn’t come back right away? I didn’t usually have this kind of freedom, nor an opportunity to see my mates…

I hugged my bag closer, considering. What would he do, though? Even if he did notice, it wasn’t like he’d know where I was. I could just tell him that Roxy and I went on a walk after. He seemed to be very pro-Roxy, despite wanting to keep me away from my mates.

Or… if he did find out, then he’d just punish me the way he usually did if he thought I was doing something wrong. My cheeks heated at the thought of that, and I was off in a moment, hurrying to the door and cracking it open. I peered out, but Eric and Roxy had already gone. Good. I didn’t want them to see me following them.
