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I looked up at him, frozen in fear, lips parted in shock as I still worked to catch my breath. Dusk was everything I’d spent all night trying desperately to forget.

The few pieces of black hair tumbled down his forehead, a beautiful contrast to the amber brown of his skin. His bright yellow eyes held mine intently.

“Dusk Varis,” Flynn said. Every eye was drawn to the man with his hand around my waist. “They’re allowing the Kingsman pack to select a beta?”

I’d vanished to my mates.

Dusk slid into the open chair, tugging me against him. I felt the insistence of his draw, as if he wanted me to sit on his lap.


Everything was wrong…

A beta?

Dusk set his phone on the table beside his glass. On it, I saw the thumbnail of that damning picture in the chat to his pack revealing my golden eyes.

Terror and confusion collided, leaving me at his mercy as his touch became more insistent. I sank onto his lap, still unsure of what was going on. My mates only had eyes for thealphawho’d sat at the table, while my universe was still in orbit around them.

“No,” Dusk said mildly. “But her scent is too good to share.” He tugged me closer, and my nails dug into his arms beneath the table hard enough to draw blood. “I drugged her with enough scent blockers for a small horse last night.”

He lifted his glass of water, swirling it.

I blinked, my mind tumbling out of control. The glass of water from my bedside table… The one I had slammed back to rid myself of the taste of him in a confused daze before bed.

He’d drugged me?

He drugged me, and now my mates didn’t know who I was.

And he was telling them with such blatant arrogance. A faint smile was even playing on Eric’s lips at the words.

Did he think I’d purposely gone along with it? That I’d chosen to?

I could barely focus, my mind clawing for a way out and coming up blank. If I opened my mouth right now and told these alphas I was their mate, would they believe me?

How could they? My story was far-fetched enough, without adding Dusk’s claim.

Even for a gold-pack omega I’m a freak: most alphas hate me so I escaped to get to you—the mates I should never have had. Now, if I ever want a chance at a happily ever after, you’re my only hope.


Then add Dusk fucking Varis, an alpha from the only pack with more power than theirs in the school, slipping into my dorm last night and drugging me so he could claim me instead…?

There was no way…

Andif I blurted all of that out and they didn’t believe me, then Dusk would send that picture across campus. My golden eyes would mark me, and I would be a dark bond target for every vicious pack here.

Their attention drifted to me now—not the attention I had come for. Their interest in me was piqued purely on Dusk’s claim.

He set something on the table before me: a necklace with his pack’s crest upon the silver moon that hung from it.

The trophy we were to place around our necks when we accepted a pack’s claim. Even still, it was bold. Some omegas wouldn’t get them until the end of the first week.

Dusk wasn’t only claiming me; he was making a promise that he wouldn’t change his mind.

“So, Gem.” The silk of his voice was a breath tickling my ear. “Why don’t you show everyone who you belong to?”

Thiscould notbe happening.
