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“How do youknowthey’re your scent match?” I asked, tapping on my coaster.

What if…? What if she wasn’t as sure as she thought she was?

“I’m not wrong,” she said, glancing up at me. “I looked it up. You can’t be unsure with a scent match.”

“Can’t you?”

“The whole world shifts when I catch their scent. It’s like… there’s nothing else around me. Just them. Like magnetism.”

I considered her. Thatiswhat I’d heard.

“And it’s not like that with ours?”

She shifted uncomfortably, looking up at me. “Ilikeyours,” she said. “I do.” Umbra really had softened her last night, because her words took me by surprise.

But that was answer enough.

I let out a breath, frustration swallowing me whole.

There were, in theory, many scent match possibilities in the world at one time between packs and omegas, but it was impossible to test because once one locked in, that was it. No do overs. Scent matched for life.

Was it possible sheshouldhave been ours?

What she described when she looked at the Lincoln pack, I felt echoes of that when I was with her, whenever I caught her scent.

But I also couldn’t deny that her nightshade had a double meaning both to me and Umbra, and my alpha instincts were long fucked. I had no way of knowing what was real.

What if she’d met us first, instead of them…?

I buried the thought deep, unable to contend with the wound that opened at what that would mean. Not when I was about to smile for them.

But what if they were dead?

That was one way to reset a scent match. I shook the thought away. Still one step behind.

More of Decebal’s stupidly rational advice sounded in my head.“I don’t care how badly you want it. You cannot risk killing them when you don’t know what they stole.”

It was at that moment Gareth, Flynn, and Eric arrived.

Given how recently I’d received the invite, the thirty minute delay felt deliberate. I noticed Flynn Lincoln’s eyes scanning me and Shatter, eyebrows rising as he joined us in the booth first.

“Umbra couldn’t make it?”

“Not with such late notice,” I said with a fake smile.

Part of why I’d brought Shatter was because I knew now, from Eric’s words in the library, and the bugs, that the Lincoln pack disliked us.Thiswas my last ditch effort to try and save the alliance.

I think they took Ransom’s continued absence as a personal slight, which was about as ridiculous as I’d come to expect from rich prats like them. Flynn Lincoln was rich, but nowhere near Ransom, and he was only here because his family was forcing him to make something of himself before he had access to his inheritance. Something Ransom already had.

Except, instead of dealing with Ransom, they were left with me and Umbra. Unknown pack mates that they couldn’t find information on, no matter how hard they dug—and I knew they’d tried, because it was one of the conversations Decebal had transcribed and sent to me from the bug in their rooms.

As I began engaging in meaningless conversation, I noticed Shatter was anxious. Mainly because she began fiddling, and doing things that made the Lincoln pack stare, like chewing on the ice she fished from her drink.

I’d had to stifle my chuckle.

Keeping her in my side view onlyjustmade this meeting tolerable. Especially when the topic shifted to music.

