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Fucking fix it right now.

They’d just given me an in. Something I could have run with, and instead… I forced a smile across my face and I lifted my glass as if it was all just a joke.

Flynn chuckled, though he was still clearly off balance.


“Forgive me,” Gareth said with a grin. “It is hard not to stare. She’s very… unconventional.”

“Ah. That’s what it is?”

“I’m sure she’s a good match?—”

“A perfect match,” I corrected him.

He nodded, a sly smile creeping up his face that made me regret it instantly. “She must be…exceptionalin other areas.”

It took every ounce of my self control not to launch at him.

Instead, I got to my feet with painful slowness. I was at my fucking limit. “I’m turning in for the night.”

I wanted to be ready to leave the moment Shatter was out. I wouldn’t keep her around them for one more second.

“Well.” Flynn got to his feet with a nod. “This was good. And I’m looking forward to meeting Ransom when he’s around.”

“Not long before he comes, I don’t think,” I said.


Flynn clapped me on the arm.

The movement was innocent. Meaningless. Yet, for the briefest instant before his skin made contact with mine, a power surge crackled every instinct in my being.

The whole world was wrong.

It was too late to move, to back up. And I didn’t even know why I should. But I braced, every muscle in my body turning to stone.

Flynn’s skin upon mine was a bolt of lightning. White hot agony fried every nerve ending, turning the world into meaningless, swimming lights.

It took every ounce of self control I had; control I’d learned in a blank, white room, pretending to be well when my body was dying, to do nothing but flinch—to not let my aura split the air.

I stepped back. “Goodnight.” I don’t know how I made those words come out. I don’t even know if I did.

I couldn’t collapse. I had to get to my pack.

The pack bond crackled, an overloaded livewire, and then—for the first time in years, I felt Umbra’s side of the bond slam shut.

Before it did, I felt his fleeting moment of horror. I could barely keep my thoughts straight, but I kneweverythingthat was bad in this bond, was worse for Umbra.

I had to get to him.

And Shatter…


I could barely breathe. Every footstep rocked me, agony ricocheting through every bone in my body. I was trembling, but I forced my fists closed, forced myself onward. Still... I was losing track of where I was...

Dread dimmed my mind. It felt like a hook was lodged in my soul and was trying to rip it from my body.
