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Was three enough?

It… it could be…

“She’s deliberately taking ages,” Dusk muttered.

A distraction.

“Is she?” I asked, trying to focus on Shatter. A little ray of light behind that door.

I didn’t think she was deliberately taking ages, actually, and for a moment, I smiled.

Dusk would figure it out, eventually.

She had pretty good self-preservation instincts from what I could tell—aside from leaping at Dusk like a feral cat. But everyone had a breaking point. And that teenie omega growl she’d loosed when she’d done it, that had been hot.

So had the follow up.

The two of them together were going to make life sweet.

We deserved a little sweet.

I blinked at that thought, nerves boiling up.


Nothing. You deserve nothing.

Pay again.



“Do you like her?” Dusk’s voice fractured the mantra once more. My gaze snapped to him. If it wasn’t for the words which stole my attention, my aura would’ve split the air.

Kill him. Go again.It tried to continue, tried to ignore him, but my eyes were on him. My brother.

My voice was a rasp. “Yes.” But I couldn’t focus on that.

“She’s for him,” he said, eerily calm as he watched me.


Not for me. Not even for Dusk.

Enough, though? Could shebeenough? When no one ever had been before?

If she wasn’t, I would pay until there was no more flesh or bone or blood left. A fair exchange for a debt with no ceiling…

Dusk got to his feet, sensing how close I was to being free, knowing I needed movement.

“Shatter.” He banged on the door. “How long are you going to take?” He took a step back, and there was another long silence in which my need waned. Then his brow furrowed, and I felt a spike of worry from him through the bond.

Finally—finally—the trance broke completely, and I tucked the knife back into my pocket.

Dusk was worried?

That was… new.
