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Shatter came to me the next evening.

It was 2 days until classes started, and she hadn’t left the apartment today. She’d clung to Umbra like a barnacle (which delighted him) and given me a sickly sweet smile when I’d handed her another bag of takeout. Umbra had burned her toast for breakfast and, irritatingly, she’d eaten it anyway, staring me dead in the eye the whole time.

I had been itching with impatience all day, but we were in a cold war, and I wouldn’t crack. Umbra would, at least, tell me if she tried to turn in with him tonight. Then I would intervene. Until then, I’d give her one last chance to choose this herself. A choice from her would make it easier.

It was late, though, and I’d been about to head out to the living room and let her know her fate when I heard a faint knock on the door.

I straightened in an instant, then jumped from my bed and crossed the room.

I was met by a pair of captivating eyes framed by chaotic waves of honey brown hair. Her eyes were brown, not golden. She was wearing contacts, just for me, the little brat. SheknewI wanted to see them.

Still, she looked nervous, hand clutching her arm, face ashen.

“Yes?” I asked, as if we both didn’t know why she was here.

She cleared her throat, forcing herself to meet my eyes.

“I would…” She trailed off, then tried again. “I want the nest.”

“You’re ready to accept the rules?”

“You said if I come and let you…” She averted her gaze, her delicate fists balling at her side anxiously. “Get your punishment over with… then I could have it.”

“I did say that. But I need to know you can follow the rules, or it’s not much of a nest, is it? We can come and go whenever. Is that what you want?—?”


“So you’re going to do what we say?”

Her nod was fractional, her jaw clenched. “You never told me the second rule.”

I shrugged. “You already broke it.” Umbra had informed me of that with a little too much delight.

She frowned, analysing me.

I grinned. “Never make a deal with Umbra.”

Her lips parted for a moment, then she frowned. “Why?”

“He always wins.”

“But why is it a rule?”

“I told you.” I shrugged. “They’re for you. I won’t do anything if you break that one.”

Wouldn’t need to.

She looked more irritated at my answer. She was endlessly charming, and stubborn as a mule. Even if I had told her the rule ahead of time, she might have walked into it, anyway.

I stepped back from the door. “So?”

She looked around the room, clearly unsure. Then she walked in, tense as a frightened mouse, jumping as I pulled the door shut behind her.

I crossed toward my bed and sat down, beckoning her. She was reluctant, but she followed, standing a few feet away before I tugged her closer.

“Can we get it over with?” she asked.
