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He chuckled, and it sent a vibration between us, sparking nerve endings right through my core. Not wanting to look at him, I curled up tighter, hating that it meant sinking further into his arms. “The drugs undid the blockers, Gem, so I could catch your beautiful scent. They didn’t touch your lust.”

It took a second for those words to sink in, then panic speared my heart. A sob caught in my chest, but I couldn’t find my words. “Y-you’re lying.”


He had to be lying.

“Shatter—” He tried to still me, but I couldn’t breathe.

“You can’t… You don’t…” My scent. He couldn’t… He didn’t understand. It was dangerous. I’d been attacked by an alpha one of the few times I’d revealed my scent.He was close to a rut,they’d told me,unstable. It was why I needed my scent matches. But Dusk was locked inside of me. We wereoneright now.

What was he going to do when he found the omega he was trapped with was?—?

“SHATTER!”His voice finally broke through as his fingers clamped around my chin, forcing me to look at him.

My breathing was ragged, tears streaking my cheeks. Only, of course, my terror didn’t help. I knew the moment it happened. The moment my scent finally broke through the drugs.

Dusk’s eyes blew wider than I’d ever seen, his whole body going rigid. He dropped his grip on my chin, though his other hand remained at my hips, holding me against him.

The way I broke this time, it was worse. Embarrassing. Shameful.

Because the tears flooding my face weren’t even fear for my life. Instead, it was because, in that moment, I knew even Dusk Varis wasn’t going to want me?—

“Fuck!”His growl was low and vicious, his aura splitting the air and making me jump. He let go of my hip for a moment so he could straighten where we lay, staring down at me with eyes so blown they were entirely ink black.

I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.

His lips were parted in shock.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trembling.

Do it quickly.

But then I felt the brush of his touch, and his grip wove through my hair, dragging my neck into an arch. I whined in terror. He was going to make me see his hatred. But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t open my eyes.

Just… do it quickly.

Instead, for the second time, I felt his lips pressed to mine when they absolutely shouldn’t be pressed to mine. My eyes snapped open as I heard the purr stutter to life in his chest again, the sound warm and… and real. He… hecouldn’tbe faking that, could he?

His kiss was possessive, his tongue claiming my mouth like his body claimed me, knot still trapping me against him.

A final tear tracked my cheeks. I was still shaking as he drew back.

He’d claimed me, body and scent, and he wasn’t attacking me. His scent was thick in the air, not with hatred at all. Instead, his dark amber scent of midnight opium was a storm of reverence.

When he spoke, his voice was rough and cracked. “How do you keep getting more perfect?” His eyes danced with wonder, his purr still vibrating between us. “My sweet little deadly nightshade.”



Shatter’s scent was dangerous, both as dark as ice cold silk, and as warm as the amber of cognac. It was a threat, and set every nerve in my body on end, enough perhaps, to break me if I was any other alpha.

But I wasn’t, and Shatter’s scent wasn’t foreign.

Quite the contrary, it was a pillar: a cornerstone of everything I was, and with it came a memory like an avalanche swallowing me whole.

The alpha below me shuddered as my fists crushed his throat. The air was thick with something vicious that melted my brain. The room was pale and bright, etched behind my lids for eternity.
