Page 129 of The Forever Gift

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‘Jack,’ I say, almost dropping the tray.

‘Hello, Heather,’ he smiles.

I’m lost for words.

‘It’s great to see you.’ He looks all around. ‘The place looks great. Kayla would be so proud.’

‘Yeah,’ I say, swallowing an emotional lump. ‘I hope she would.’

I set the tray down and look into his eyes. ‘How have you been?’ I ask. ‘I haven’t seen you in ages.’

Jack moved out of his sister’s house a few months ago. His sister met someone and Jack wanted to give them space to be a family. And I had to stop baking for the hospital when things became super busy here. Our paths stopped crossing.

‘I have something for you,’ he says.

‘You do?’

I’m not sure what to do. Or what to say. I haven’t seen him in such a long time and he turns up out of the blue and has a gift for me. I’m blushing.

He pulls something out from his inside jacket pocket. My eyes glass over as I stare at the familiar present in his hand, its shiny silver wrapping paper tied up with a red bow. A tag dangles from the centre of the bow. I don’t have to turn it over to know what it says.

‘Jack,’ I say, shaking my head.

‘Open it,’ Jack says.

My heart is beating so hard I feel as if it might beat right out of my chest. I run my fingers over the swirly handwriting on the tag.Love from, Kayla.

‘You kept this all year?’ I ask.

Jack nods. ‘She asked me to. I couldn’t say no.’

I nod. Understanding. I’m glad he didn’t say no to whatever this is. I’m glad Kayla wanted to bring him here for whatever reason. I’m just glad he’s here.

‘Open it,’ Jack repeats and I get the impression he’s nervous.

I’m nervous too, but I do as he asks. There’s no keychain inside this time. Just a piece of white paper. I turn it over.

‘Ask Jack out,’ I read aloud, instantly embarrassed. ‘Oh God.’

‘Wow, Kayla has really put you on the spot here,’ Jack says, smiling.

‘Did you know that’s what was in here?’ I ask.

Jack shakes his head. ‘I honestly had no idea.’

There’s such kindness in his eyes, I believe him.

‘I’m sorry,’ I say. ‘I wouldn’t have read it aloud if I’d—’ I cut myself off searching for the right words. ‘If I’d known this would be embarrassing.’

‘I’m not embarrassed,’ Jack says.

We look into each other eyes and I giggle. It’s so nice to see him again.

‘Well,’ he says, his beautiful eyes sparkling. ‘Are you going to ask? Kayla seems to think you should.’

‘What?’ I laugh, wondering if he’s serious. ‘Ask you out?’

He nods.
