Page 36 of The Forever Gift

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‘I know. That’s kinda lousy, right? I mean, I work myself to the bone for those bastards. Sorry, pardon my French. But really.’

‘You’d be surprised the stories I hear from parents in your shoes.’ He shakes his head. ‘Makes me glad I work for the state. Well, not really. Don’t quote me on that.’

‘It’s just hard, you know,’ I rant. ‘Kayla’s dad is minted. He has his own company. His parents are very proud.’ I pull my head back until I have three chins and then put on a voice like Gavin’s dad as if my head is so far up my own arse I’ve reached my small intestine. ‘Oh, Gavin had a baby and still made something of himself.They remind me all the bloody time. Well, maybe I had a baby and raised her, loved her and spent lots of time with her, you absolute judgemental arse.’

An older nurse walks by and throws me a disgusted look.

‘Ooops,’ I say.

‘Don’t worry,’ he says. ‘She’s, erm, she’s like your in-laws, who aren’t exactly in-laws, really. Right?’

‘Outlaws.’ I snort.

‘Kayla tells me you bake,’ he says, unexpectedly.

‘I can’t believe Kayla told you about my baking. She doesn’t really tell people. She’s usually embarrassed.’

‘Well, she was full of pride when she told me all about your skills.’

I blush.

‘Look,’ he says, running an awkward hand through his hair. ‘Please don’t take this the wrong way, but, the canteen are looking for someone part-time to bake confectionary. It’s nothing very exciting I’m afraid, just scones and muffins?—’

‘I’m not really qualified,’ I interrupt him, ‘I mean, I never went to college so…’

‘If your muffins are as great as Kayla says they are then let me see if I can pull a few strings.’

I smile.

‘Nothing is guaranteed of course, but I know they’ve been looking for a while because the hours are so unsociable, but if you’re interested?’

‘Yes. Yes. That would be great.’

‘And, I think if Kayla were to bring a basket of brownies down to the kids’ games room one day, she would be pretty popular, really quickly.’

‘You think it would help her makes friends?’ I ask.

‘I know it would. Kids love brownies, and if your brownies really are the best in Ireland…’

‘Kayla said that?’ I ask, blushing. ‘I didn’t hear her.’

‘That’s because you couldn’t take your eyes off that drawer near Kayla’s bed.’

‘Sorry?’ I say.

‘You know, I can get you a lollipop if you really want one that badly,’ he jokes.

I shake my head and I’m smiling again.

‘Lollipops are usually only for patients, but I can pull a few strings. I know people.’

I relax. As embarrassing as his teasing is, it helps. I’m so glad he’s Kayla’s doctor. His ability to find fun in even the most horrible moments will be just what Kayla needs.

‘I think I’ll pass on the lollipop, thank you,’ I say. ‘Now, if it was a glass of wine on the other hand…’

He smiles. ‘Unfortunately, my connections don’t stretch quite that far. But if you want my medical recommendation? There’s an off-licence on the corner, just after the car park; they do a fantastic French Chablisand it’s on special offer at the moment. Try two glasses before bed, see if that helps.’

The metal chairs creak under me as I stand up. I drag my hand around my face trying to compose myself before I walk back in to Kayla. I turn my back on him as I reach for the handle of Kayla’s room and slowly creak it open.
