Page 50 of The Forever Gift

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‘Hey,’ a male voice hovers above me.

I look up and smile. ‘Doctor Patterson.’

‘Mind if I sit?’ he asks, pointing to the empty chair next to me.

I nod. ‘Yeah. Sure.’

The metal bench creaks and groans as he sits down and he looks almost as exhausted as I feel.

‘I wouldn’t drink that stuff if I were you,’ he says. ‘I’ve seen them clean those machines. It’s not pretty.’

I lift my coffee cup and tilt it towards him. ‘This?’ I say. ‘I don’t think I’ve tasted it. I mean, I don’t remember getting coffee. Maybe someone got it for me.’

Doctor Patterson takes the cup from my shaking hands and tosses it into the bin beside him. ‘Right. Let’s get you something to eat and some proper coffee before I have two patients on my hands.’

‘I… I…’

He looks at me with such kind, understanding eyes, I really wish I could go for coffee with him.

‘I can’t leave Kayla,’ I say.

Doctor Patterson looks up at the door of Kayla’s room. It’s closed but Molly’s excited giggles filter through every so often.

‘Was that Kayla’s dad and little sister I saw go in earlier?’ he asks.

‘Yes. Molly. She’s a little dote.’

‘Ah, I thought so. I couldn’t see Gavin’s face, but an excited little girl with Kayla’s eyes was dragging a man by the hand insisting he hurry up, so I put two and two together.’

‘Yeah.’ I smile. ‘That sounds like Molly alright.’

‘I’m sure Kayla is delighted to see them,’ he says.

I nod. ‘She is.’

‘And you’re just out here giving them a little space?’ he asks, but I know there’s no need for an answer.

‘Molly’s mother is here too,’ I explain. ‘Charlotte.’

‘Oh,’ he says, and I instantly wonder if Charlotte should be on the ward at all or if it’s just immediate family. I never thought to ask.

‘Do Kayla and Charlotte erm…’ He shuffles, and I can’t tell if it’s the metal seat underneath him making him uncomfortable or if it’s what he’s about to say.

‘They get on great,’ I say, hoping I’m pre-empting his question correctly and the look on his face quickly tells me I am and that I’ve put him out of his awkward misery. ‘Charlotte has been in Kayla’s life since she was three. I doubt Kayla even remembers a time before Charlotte. They’re very close.’

‘That’s good,’ he says.

‘It is.’ Despite my jealously over the years I am glad Kayla and Charlotte have a good relationship. Kayla is lucky to have a stepmother who is disappointed when Kayla doesn’t turn up for the weekend rather than some bitch who resents a teenage stepdaughter.

‘I was going to pop in and check on Kayla, but I think it’s best to leave her enjoy this family time,’ he says. ‘I’ll come back in half an hour or so.’


‘In the meantime, can I please get you a coffee? You’re frighteningly pale.’

‘Oh,’ I say.

‘Sorry. Sorry,’ he says. ‘Occupational hazard. I tend to refer to people’s level of wellbeing by their skin tone. Washed-out, flushed, jaundiced, and the list goes on. I have many more unflattering and unhelpful ways of putting my foot in it when what I really mean to say is,I’m a little worried about you.’
