Page 54 of The Forever Gift

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‘It is a little high,’ Mam says.

‘Daddy can lift you,’ Molly says. ‘Can’t you, Daddy?’

‘I… I…’ Dad blushes.

‘Daddy lifts me into bed all the time,’ Molly adds. ‘And sometimes he lifts Mammy too when he gives her a grown-up kiss.’

‘Oh,’ Mam says, finally sitting onto the bed next to me. The bed bounces a little and Mam gasps, but nothing hurts and I hold Mam’s hand to reassure her that I’m okay.

‘Molly, I don’t go around picking Mammy up all the time,’ Daddy says.

The bed bounces more and I know Mam is trying to hold in a laugh.

‘What?’ Dad says, staring at me and Mam now. ‘I don’t. Honestly.’

I can’t keep it in. A huge, gurgling laugh bursts out of me and Mam laughs, too.

‘Ah, here,’ Dad says, throwing his hands in the air and I can see he’s struggling not to giggle. ‘There’s no talking to the two of you when you get a silly idea in your head.’

‘Speaking of Charlotte,’ Mam says as she drapes one arm over my shoulder and I snuggle into her the way I used to when I was little, ‘Where is she?’

Mam is all warm and cosy and she smells nice. I think she’s wearing the Victoria Secret body spray I bought her for Christmas. It’s lovely. I must borrow it.

‘She went to find the bathroom,’ Gavin says.

‘Yeah, like, a million years ago,’ I add.

‘I think she might have escaped to the canteen for a coffee too,’ Dad says, sliding his phone out of his pocket and checking the screen. ‘Yup. Text. She did. She says the queue is mad and does anyone want anything?’

I’m about to request a hot chocolate when dad continues. ‘Oh wait. That was sent ten minutes ago. She’s probably on her way back up now.’

‘She didn’t have to leave on my account,’ Mam says.

‘She didn’t,’ Dad replies, kind of snappy.

‘Okay,’ Mam says gently.

‘She just needed some air,’ Dad explains. ‘Molly was quite distressed giving blood. I don’t think Charlotte was prepared.’

Mam snorts and her breath dances across the top of my head.

‘What does “stressed” mean?’ Molly asks.

‘Upset,’ Dad explains.

‘I wasn’t upset,’ Molly frowns.

‘It’s okay, Molly,’ I say, sitting up straight and leaning forward so I can see my little sister clearly. ‘Needles are scary. I get that. I’m scared of them too.’

‘They’re not scary.’ Molly folds her arms and shakes her head. ‘They’re hurty.’ Molly points to the plaster on her arm again and her bottom lip begins to quiver.

‘Yes, Molly,’ I say, and my bottom lip starts to go too. ‘I know they hurt. But you don’t ever have to do that again, okay?’

‘Kayla,’ Mam squeaks, looking at Dad. And Dad stares back, equally put out by my revelation.

‘Kayla don’t tell her that,’ Dad says. ‘Don’t make promises you can’t keep.’

I shake my head and pull myself to sit up even straighter. I move too quickly and sharp pain darts from my knee right down to my toes and it feels as if my whole leg has burst into flames. Mam notices immediately and hops off the bed.
