Page 61 of The Forever Gift

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‘It’s a killer,’ I inhale. ‘Seriously. I think this thing is the worst part of the whole stupid nightmare. It really, really stings. I thought I’d get used to it, but I just hate it and wish they’d take it out.’

‘Have you asked them?’

‘Yeah, a bunch of times. I’d just have to get a different one in my other hand and that’s no fun.’

‘I’d say.’ Aiden goes pale just looking at it.

‘Dude. You should sit down.’

Aiden nods and hurries over to the set of chairs next to my bed. He flops into the one furthest away from me and I don’t know why but it really hurts my feelings. Like he doesn’t want to get too close. He knows I’m not contagious, so I don’t get it.

‘Everyone is asking after you,’ he says, sitting a bit straighter.

‘In school?’

‘Yeah. Miss Hanlon got everyone to make a card in PE. Here…’ Aiden swings his schoolbag, that I didn’t notice him wearing, off his back and onto his lap and rummages around inside. He unfolds a giant card and passes it to me.

‘Thanks,’ I say, stuck for better words.

There’s a big tatty grey teddy on the front. He has sad eyes and a bandage around his head and the swirly, lilac font at the top says,Get Well Soon, Champ.

‘Champ?’ I say, running my finger across the letters.

‘Miss Hanlon thought it was appropriate, cause you’re basketball captain and all.’

I look down at my padded and bandaged knee and struggle to hide how emotional I am. ‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘That was thoughtful of her.’

‘So, what’s the story, anyway?’ Aidan says, pulling himself fully upright, recovered from his dizzy spell. ‘When will you be better? The team sucks balls without you. We’ve lost the last two games, Kay.’

‘I… I…’

‘We actually had an assembly for you, too,’ Aiden cuts across my spluttering.

‘You what?’ I say, my eyes raised and my neck poking forward.

‘Yup.’ Aiden smiles and I know he’s loving this. ‘The principal. Vice. Year head. They were all there. There was a prayer and poems and it was super weird. You’d have bloody loved it. Been pissin’ yourself laughing too.’

I shake my head. ‘What the hell, Aiden. That’s not funny.’

Aiden’s stupid grin disappears and he becomes serious all of a sudden. The same way he does when a teacher gives out to him.

‘Does everyone in school think I’m dying or something?’

‘What?’ Aiden says. ‘No.’

‘Well, what’s with all the prayers and stuff then?’

Aiden doesn’t answer and the silence that falls over us is weird and awkward and I’m not sure I want him to be here. I’m not sure I want anyone to be here.

‘I miss you,’ he finally says. ‘School is so boring without you.’

‘School is always boring,’ I correct.

‘Yeah, but it’s extra boring without you.’

I take a deep breath and look around at the four walls I’m growing to hate, the window that tries to be all bright and reassuring but overlooks the car park and the door that creaks open and closed during the night when nurses come in to poke me, check my blood pressure or dose me up with drugs.

‘I never thought I’d say this,’ I admit, ‘but I actually miss school.’
