Page 68 of The Forever Gift

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‘That would be really helpful, Jack. Thank you,’ I say.

‘Ah, look,’ Jack says. ‘We were all teenagers once and did silly things. But next time I see you on the ward, young man, I want to be certain your parents know you’re here.’

‘Yeah. Definitely,’ Aiden’s says. His cheeks are flushed and I’m sure he’s learned his lesson.

‘Thank you,’ I mouth to Jack and he smiles back at me with big, beautiful hazel eyes.

‘Bye, Kay,’ Aiden says.

‘Go home, you eejit,’ Kay says, opening the Toblerone and taking a bite. ‘But I’ll see you soon, yeah.’

‘Yeah. Soon.’

‘Come on, young man,’ Jack says, draping his arm over Aiden’s shoulder. ‘Let’s get you on that train.’



Molly skips up the steps between the ground and third floor. I’d happily have taken the lift but Molly wanted to see all the characters painted on the wall as we make our way up the stairs.

‘That’s Jas-bin,’ Molly says, pointing excitedly.

‘Jasmine,’ I correct.

‘And A-lad-bin,’ Molly adds.

‘A-lad-din, Molly.’ I exhale. ‘Aladdin. We’ve watched the film twenty times.’

‘I can’t wait to see Kayla,’ Molly says, her hand in mine swinging back and forth.

‘Me too.’

‘Oh, oh, look,’ Molly says as we round the first half flight of stairs. ‘That’s Mooblee.’

‘Oh God Lord, Molly.’ I smile. ‘That’sMowgli. Mowgli fromThe Jungle Book.’

‘I loveThe Jungle Book,’ Molly bounces. ‘I really like when the ele-fant goes flying high and high.’

‘Molly,’ I say as we round the next turn, ‘that’sDumbo.’

‘No.’ Molly pulls a face and throws her head dramatically over her shoulder to look back at the mural on the wall we’ve passed. ‘That’s Mooblee.’

‘No, I mean the flying elephant isDumbo.’ I shake my head, exhausted already. ‘You know what? Never mind.’

Molly’s hand pulls in mine and I know without looking she’s trying to get closer to the paintings on the wall as we ascend the staircase.

‘I’m tired,’ Molly announces as we round the next flight.

‘Well taking the stairs was your idea, missy. C’mon. Not much further. Kayla is waiting for us.’

‘And lollipops. Kayla will have lollipops.’

I come to a sudden stop and Molly’s hand jerks in mine as she tries to skip ahead.

‘Molly, there won’t be lollipops every time we come to see Kayla. Do you know that?’

Molly’s bottom lip drops and she shakes her head.
