Page 94 of The Forever Gift

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‘Is that my name?’ I ask, pointing at the large neon-pink font on the top of the page.

‘Yup,’ Aiden says. ‘It’s Sports Day soon and the school is getting everyone to bring in two euros so we can wear our own clothes instead of the mouldy PE gear.’

‘And why is my name on there?’ I ask.

‘Well, ’cos it’s for you,’ Aiden says, lowering the flyer.

‘For me?’ I tap my chest and try not to wince when the side of my nail clips the cap on the central line leaning into my heart. ‘How is everyone in school getting a non-uniform day anything to do with me?’

‘Kay, I’m sorry.’ Aiden shoves the flyer back into his bag. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you. I thought you’d be happy. It was Miss Hanlon’s idea. She’s always talking about you. Asking me how you’re doing. Coming up with fun stuff for us to do to raise money.’

‘You can come toooooooooo,’ Molly sings at the top of her lungs. Her squeaky little voice is going through my head.

‘Fun stuff foryou allto do,’ I say.

‘Yeah, okay,’ Aiden says, looking around my small hospital room that tries depressingly hard not to be depressing. ‘I see the irony. I’m sorry. Forget I said anything, yeah?’

‘Is there a basketball game?’ I ask.

Aiden nods.

‘Are you playing?’

‘Yeah. But we won’t win. Not without you.’

‘So why play?’ I say, hating myself for being so bitter. I don’t want Aiden to miss the game. I just desperately want to play alongside him.

‘All the proceeds go to Cancer Research,’ Aiden says. ‘I thought you’d be happy. It was my idea. I’m sorry, Kay. I can ask them to cancel. It’s not for another week so…’

‘No. No, don’t do that. It’s good. It’s a nice idea. Thank you.’

‘You’re not mad?’ Aiden asks.

‘No. Course not, you big eejit. I’m excited,’ I say.

‘You are?’ Aiden is so confused, it’s sweet.

‘Yup. I can’t wait to go.’

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, young lady,’ Dad cuts in. ‘You’re kidding, right?’

‘No,’ I say.

‘Kayla. No. No way.’ Dad inhales and stands up very straight.

‘Dad, I’m going,’ I say, trying to hide how exhausted this conversation is making me.

‘Kayla, this is not up for discussion.’ Dad points his finger as if he means business. ‘Aiden, I’m sorry. You’re a good lad organising a fundraiser in Kayla’s name but this is just crazy. She’s much, much too sick.’

‘Don’t blame Aiden,’ I say, annoyed. ‘I’m a big girl. I can make my own decisions.’

‘You are fifteen, Kayla,’ Dad reminds me, as if cancer has somehow stripped the knowledge of my age from me. ‘You most certainly cannot make your own decisions.’

Aiden looks at me and fear and worry are scribbled all over his face. I know exactly what he’s thinking. If my dad is flipping out this much over Sports Day, imagine what he’ll say when I tell him that I plan to refuse all further treatment.

‘Zoo, zooooooo….’ Molly sings.

‘Jesus Christ, Molly. Will. You. Stop. It?’ Dad snaps.
