Page 16 of The Enemy

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“Of course we can. You move in here and have your own room and live your life. All I ask is that you give me one night a week to spend time with me.”

I look at him incredulously. “I’m not moving in here.”

Hudson shrugs one powerful shoulder. “Then I’ll draw up the divorce papers.”

“Have you not got a decent bone in your body? A good man would do this out of kindness to a dying man.”

“We both know I’m not a good man, Audrey.”

“You were once.” I regret the words the second they slip past my lips.

Hudson prowls towards me, stopping so close I can feel the heat from his body burning through the silk of my blouse.

“That boy is gone. You married the man, so either take the fucking deal or leave.”

“Asshole,” I hiss.

Tension fills the room until I’m sure the slightest spark will see the room erupt in flames. I don’t know whether I want to kiss him or punch him, and he looks to be having similar feelings.

His eyes drop to my lips, and my breasts heave, my fingers itching to touch him, to enact that which I can’t remember from last night.


My eyes snap to the little girl who is standing at the entrance to the living room, a teddy hanging from her fingers.

Hudson rushes to her and crouches down. “Hey, princess, what are you doing up?”

I watch, my heart twisting in anguish as he scoops her up into his arms as if she’s the most precious thing in the world. Pain is like a whip against my skin as I watch her nuzzle close, his hand stroking her soft curls. I know without a doubt this is the baby I saw that night and it breaks me all over again.

Hudson turns to me, watching me carefully and the child lifts her head. I try my best to control my reaction as I see the tell-tale signs of her Down’s syndrome.

“You’re pretty.”

God, she’s beautiful. If joy and light had a face, it would be this child. It radiates from her like a beacon in the dark of night. I smile and take a step toward her. “So are you, sweetheart.”

This child represents my pain and yet all I feel is warmth for her.

“Audrey, this is Tia. Tia, this is Audrey. She’s going to be living with us for a little while. Isn’t that right, Audrey?”

My gaze flashes to his and I see the trap as the door closes on me. I look back to the child watching me and don’t know if I can handle being so close to my past. It feels like everything is colliding and I might end up collateral damage. Yet, what choice do I have? I came here to do this for my father, a man who’s loved me my whole life and a man who looks at me like Hudson is looking at Tia. Like she’s his whole world and I know I won’t let my father down. “Yes, Huddy, that’s right.”

He smirks at the name.“How about you come to my office tomorrow and we iron out the details?”

“Or you come to my office?”

It’s a silly power play, but I won’t let him have all the power in this situation. Hudson beams a smile at me then and my breath catches in my throat. God, I’d forgotten how beautiful he was when he really smiled.

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”

“On second thoughts, I’ll come to you.” I can’t have him thinking things are easy.

Hudson walks me to the door, Tia sleepy in his arms, but as we stop in the entryway, Tia reaches out for me with her arms.I look to Hudson, who is watching closely, like he’ll step in at a moment’s notice and annihilate anyone who doesn’t react in a favorable way to her.


I embrace her awkwardly from where she’s still in Hudson’s arms, the position making me stumble. Hudson wraps his arm around my waist until we’re in a three-way hug. Tia’s arms hold tight, and she buries her head in my hair. God, has anything ever felt so innocently perfect? I want to wrap her up and fight battles for this child and I barely even know her.

We pull away and I stroke her cheek. “Goodnight, Princess Tia. Sweet dreams.”
