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“What—” I gasp as she squeezes the head of my cock. Arousal, sharp and sudden, stabs through me. My whole body contracts. My eyes roll back. “What does it feel like?”

Instead of answering, she thrusts deeper, a little harder. Her wrist twists as she jerks me. I hear her say, “Oh!” as I come, pulsing and pulsing in her hand. It splashes on my chest and neck. Moves through my whole body and I can’t see straight, can’t think. I reach blindly for her, just to hold her hand, and we find each other sticky and warm.

She kisses me wherever she can reach, my arms and my chest. She sucks at the come on my skin. I curl up and pull her mouth to mine, taste her and me and finally my body stops convulsing. Lulu pulls out slowly. She walks like a newborn foal to the bathroom. I drift on the bed, on a cloud. I even fall asleep but wake up immediately when she comes back with a warm cloth. Once we’re somewhat clean, Lulu notches herself into my side, pulling my arm over her shoulders, resting her head on my chest. She rubs up and down my body, kisses me softly. We should probably shower. She should probably eat. So should I. But for now, I’m happy to bask in the afterglow.

“What does it feel like?” I ask again.

“What does what feel like?” She sounds sleepy.

“This. Us. Love.”

She hums. “I’m so used to feeling things intensely. Like, too intensely. I don’t laugh, I cackle. I don’t get mad, I rage. I’m not sad. I’m devastated. I thought love felt like that, you know? Something that burned really hot and then...” She holds up a fist and watches it explode with a quietpoof. “Gone. Loving you feels too hot. Not like I’ll burn myself. It feels warm, like a sunbeam, and it feels hazy. And full. Your love feels safe.”

“Yeah,” I say. “So does yours.” My voice feels gruff. Lulu will always be better at words than me. Which is why, instead of saying something eloquent, I ask, “Do you want to do this, like, forever?”

“What?” She flips onto her stomach.

I roll us together toward the bedside table and open the drawer. One of the reasons I decided to move the sex toys to the chest was so I could hide things in here. I rummage, one-handed, for the velvet box, and roll us back.

“Jesse?” she says, as I place the box on my stomach.

“It’s not... I don’t want you to think it’s one ofthoserings. We haven’t spoken about...marriage.” I get caught up on the word. “And we haven’t been together for long. I know we’re doing everything out of order. And I’m not in any rush. But I just wanted you to know that you’re it for me and this feels like the best way to do that. And if later on you want to make it more official, we can.”

She sits up, naked, glowing in the dim light. With a quiet creak, she opens the box. And smiles.

“It’s not much,” I say, quickly, even though when I saw it I thought of her immediately.

“Shut up,” she says. “I love it.” Lulu holds the ring up and the knot in the simple gold band catches the light.

“Knots are supposed to represent romance and friendship,” I say. I sit up on the bed, too, finally in charge of my body again. “I was going to do this later. On the weekend. I had more things I was going to say.” I rub my hands down my thighs as my palms sweat. “I wanted to explain this better.”

She shakes her head. “Just say what you feel.”

“I love you,” I say simply. “You’re my best friend. I know I won’t always say the right thing. Or speak at all, but I’m learning. And I belong to you.”

Her eyes shine with tears. I think mine do, too. She slips the ring on her finger, but it’s too big, sliding around. “Shit. I’m sorry. I’ll—”

“Yes,” she says. She beams. “I want to do this forever with you, too.”


Lulu kisses me, our skin pressed together, still a little sweaty, sticky. I follow the curves of her body with my hands, learn them, memorize them, before I realize. I’ll get to do this forever.

