Page 1 of Naughty and Nice

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Chapter One

Liza Moretti looked across the crowded hotel ballroom and smiled. Months of planning and preparation had come together much better than she could have hoped. As Executive Director of the Philadelphia Initiative—a foundation that worked to increase philanthropic donations in the community—she was no stranger to fundraising, part of which included organizing shindigs like this one.

Tonight, the Initiative was hosting a Snowflake Gala, the proceeds going to support a local shelter, Promise House, that offered a place to live for young people facing homelessness and survivors of sex trafficking. The home was very near and dear to Liza’s heart, and she’d begun volunteering there every weekend since first touring it shortly after her promotion to the executive director position.

She’d put countless hours into planning tonight’s festivities, making sure it was considered a not-to-miss event amongst Philadelphia’s wealthiest. Sometimes she felt like she had dissociative identity disorder as she lived in two very distinct worlds, working with the city’s most troubled and destitute youth at Promise House, while rubbing elbows and hobnobbing with the elite, all in an attempt to get them to open their wallets to help.

The Ritz-Carlton’s Grand Ballroom was dripping in twinkle lights and white tulle, looking so elegant, it took her breath away. Her team had been working since yesterday to fashion the romantic atmosphere, creating a true winter wonderland. The soft lighting from the massive chandelier in the center of the room added to the effect, and she had been pleased by the number of astonished—impressed—gasps she’d heard when the guests first arrived.

They’d just completed the three-course dinner, so guests had begun to mill around, some opting to socialize, while others were dancing to the five-piece orchestra that had played throughout the meal. The orchestra’s time was winding down. In a little while, she would take the stage to give a presentation about the Promise House. After that, she’d hired an extremely popular local band to liven things up and take the party to the next level.

“Here you go,” Davis Taylor said, handing her a glass of champagne.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at her date for the evening.

Ordinarily, she attended work events stag so that she could handle any last-minute problems that might surface. However, when she turned Davis down for a date tonight, due to this work obligation, he’d asked if he could accompany her, reassuring her it wouldn’t bother him if she was called away to deal with any emergencies.

This was her sixth official date with Davis, which made him this year’s record holder.

No. Liza reconsidered that. That wasn’t true. He had the distinct honor of being the record for this year and last, the first man in at least the last twenty to make it past her three-strikes-you’re-out dating regimen.

Liza, single and thirty, was a professional when it came to weeding out the unsavory candidates in her ever-dwindling dating pool. As such, she had a system. Her dates—found either online, through setups, or even the occasional met-in-line-somewhere—started with the coffee break. If that went well, they moved on to the lunch date, which ensured that if things went south, her pain was limited due to the need to return to the office. After that, they graduated to a proper dinner date.

Davis had soared through the first three dates, and even made a decent showing for the fourth and fifth—both dinners, with the added drinks and dancing at a nightclub afterward.

So tonight, after a two-year dry spell, she was on an honest-to-God sixth date and hopeful that perhaps Davis would clear the next and most important hurdle.


Her girl parts were hungry. Starving, in fact.

Liza was anticipating a full-on pussy rebellion if she tried to get herself off with her vibrator one more time. She’d worn out every fantasy in her vast repertoire, struggling to find anything new on porn sites or in erotic romance novels that could get her motor revving. She’d hit the limit on ways to turn herself on.

She needed a man.


So, she’d gone ahead and offered Davis the invitation to tonight’s gala and, unbeknownst to him, if all went well, she had a room reserved upstairs.

“This is quite an event,” Davis said, surveying the room much as she’d just been doing. “You should be very proud, Liza. Not everyone could pull off something of this magnitude. And with this many big names. Your guest list is a who’s who of Philadelphia society.”

“Well, it’s for a very good cause. Plus, I’ve discovered the secret to increasing the number of yes RSVPs is to up the price. At ten thousand dollars a plate, this suddenly became the social event of the season.”

Davis laughed. “You’re as brilliant as you are beautiful.”

Liza hoped that wasn’t a line. Then she decided she didn’t care if it was.

She reached up on tiptoe to give her charming date a kiss on the cheek. They’d shared four good-night kisses so far. The first two were too sweet and short to give her any real insight on his abilities in that area. However, the third and fourth kisses had opened her eyes. They were what had convinced her to reserve the room here. Because Davis had some skill. For which she was very grateful. She’d kissed way too many frogs in her life.

“Would you like to dance?” Davis gestured to the floor. The orchestra was playing a waltz, the tune familiar though she didn’t have a clue what the name of the song was. Classical music was not her forte. Instead, her music tastes—much to her rockin’ and rollin’ family’s dismay—began and ended with country. She’d been introduced to it by her college roommate, and she’d been hooked ever since.

She took Davis’s proffered hand, then stepped into his embrace once they found an empty space on the dance floor.

She rested her head against Davis’s shoulder. He wasn’t a tall man, but he was taller than her by a couple inches. They fit physically in a way that wasn’t always true of her and other men. She wasn’t particularly tall, rather she considered herself medium height. However, she’d had a couple of dates fall apart when the men—shorter than her—decided they couldn’t handle looking up at a woman. Which, in truth, suited her fine because she looked banging in a pair of heels, always willing to suffer for fashion. Flats weren’t something she’d ever switch over to, just to soothe some insecure man’s pride.

When she looked back on her track record, she figured she could check just about every dating failure box there was, which was why tonight felt steeped in promise. And while Liza was too much of a realist to let herself get carried away, there was no denying that she was genuinely hopeful and happy.

God, please let him be good in bed.
