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Xander looked at the ball once more, shaking it. “Should Gia plan to make a lot of trips to Dallas while I take care of questions one and two?”

Gia laughed when the Magic 8-Ball said “Yes” once again.

“I’m starting to think you’ve got a defective toy there,” she said, but he shook his head.

“No. As someone once told me, the Magic 8-Ball is very wise.” He looked back at the toy and asked his next questions. “Should Gia agree to be my girlfriend, my princess, my baby girl?”

“I know the answer to that one,” she insisted, but he waved her words away.

“Yes,” he said, showing that the toy did indeed say yes. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me now because we can’t go against the Magic 8-Ball. That way leads to bad juju,” he joked.

Gia had a pretty good feeling “yes” was the only response this key chain offered, but she wasn’t about to complain about that.

Especially when Xander asked his final question. “Should I tell my brat that I love her?”

“Yes,” she whispered, placing her hand over the toy before he could look at the screen.

“I love you, Gia.”

Gia sniffled, swiping away the happiest tears she’d ever shed. “I love you too, Xander.”

Xander wasted no more time, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom. He placed the key chain on the nightstand before turning back to her.

They took their time undressing each other, kissing and caressing every inch of bared skin. They’d spent the last two weeks coming at each other like tsunamis, striking hard and fast, because it felt as if they’d been living on borrowed time.

Now, as forever stretched out before them, Gia was in no hurry to rush to the next part. She wanted to savor every single second of this night, committing it to memory because she knew it was just the first of a million “best nights” of her life.

Once they were both naked, Xander lifted the duvet, the two of them climbing into bed together. She lay on her back as he caged her beneath him, kissing her over and over until she was light-headed from the lack of air.

Xander placed his cock at her opening, slowly sliding in. Then he clasped their hands together, holding them on the pillow by her head.

The pose felt like one of surrender…and it was perfect.

He thrust in and out of her body, her clever lover knowing exactly where to stroke to drive her out of her mind with the need to come.

Throughout it all, his gaze remained steadfast on hers, as those beautiful eyes of his told her more about his feelings for her than words ever could.

She felt cherished, adored, safe…wanted.

Surely her heart would burst from this much happiness. It was almost too much to hold in.

Xander gave her one more soft kiss, his thrusts growing harder, faster, his fingers clenching tighter around hers.

“Come with me, Gia.”

She closed her eyes then as she whispered, “Always,” and let her orgasm slam into shore. Xander was right there with her, filling her, as he said her name over and over, almost like a prayer.

As their climaxes faded, Xander slowly moved to her side, drawing her into his arms. They were both quiet, Gia soaking up the peace she always found with him.

She lay there for several minutes, wrapped in Xander’s arms. She was just on the cusp of sleep when she felt him stir, reaching toward the nightstand for something.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice so drowsy she sounded a bit drunk, when she saw he’d retrieved the Magic 8-Ball key chain.

“We have a few more things to settle before we fall asleep.”

“We do?” She slowly lifted her head as Xander shook the toy.

“Should Gia be my next big adventure?” he asked it. “Should we get married and make a bunch of babies together?”

“All signs point to yes,” Gia replied quickly and without hesitation, taking the toy from him and tossing it to the floor. “You can rely on it. Outlook good. It is decidedly so…without a doubt.” She continued listing all the yes answers until she and Xander dissolved into fits of laughter.

“I love you, baby girl,” he said, kissing her.

“And I love you, Daddy.”

* * *
