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She reached for her beer but before she could grab it, she was jarred roughly by someone bumping into her chair.

“Oops. Sorry!” Darlene said with a giggle, her “accident” an obvious attempt to make sure Gia saw her and Mark as they left the dance floor, holding hands, while walking to grab cookies off the dessert table.

Gia rolled her eyes but didn’t comment. Darlene’s immature shenanigans had bugged the shit out of her in the beginning, but now the routine was so predictable, it was sad. She turned back around, ignoring the couple.

Xander seemed less inclined to overlook the mishap. “She did that on purpose.”

Gia nodded. “Yeah. I know. Darlene likes to make sure I remember that she’s dating Mark now.”

Alison sneered at her cousin. “Ignore her. She’s jealous of you. Always has been. I swear she only wants things because you have them. It’s been her standard operating procedure since elementary school.”

Gia didn’t bother arguing because she and her best friend had a lifetime of proof that was true. If Gia got a new sweater, Darlene had the same one a week later. If Gia liked a boy, Darlene made sure she was the girl who snagged him, making sure Gia saw them holding hands. At least until Gia turned her sights to another fella, then Darlene was hanging on that guy’s arm. The only man Darlene had never managed to snag—until now—was Mark.

“I think she’s worried,” Gus added.

“Worried?” Xander asked.

“You and Mark may have agreed splitting was the right thing to do, but I don’t think he still feels that way,” Gus explained. “Darlene’s probably worried he’ll change his mind and want you back.”

Xander’s brows furrowed as he looked at her. “Would you take him back?”

“After he’s put his dipstick in that cesspit? Dear God, no. Darlene can keep him. I’d rather die alone an old maid with twenty cats than get back together with him after,” she waved her hand, gesturing to the couple behind her without turning around, “that. I’ve lost all respect for him.”

Xander’s expression lightened, and his response was spoken so low, she was the only one to hear it.


Chapter Two


Good that she’d lost respect for her ex or that she wouldn’t take him back? Before she could question what he meant, Xander’s phone pinged and he pulled it out, frowning at the screen.

Gus groaned, reaching out to cover his brother’s cell. “You promised to take the full two and a half weeks off from work while you’re here.”

Xander looked ready to argue. “I just need?—”

“Bro. You own the company. Delegate and unplug. Just this once. Please?” Gus persisted, raising one eyebrow.

His complaint was a legitimate one.

Xander was a serious workaholic.

“I don’t remember making that promise,” Xander said, smirking…because Gia didn’t doubt for a second, he did recall making that vow.

Gus narrowed his eyes. “Which is why I had you on speakerphone when you made it.” He gestured at her and Alison. “Meet my witnesses.”

Alison gave Xander a cute finger wave.

“Gus is right,” Gia said. “You did promise not to work through the holidays or in the lead-up to the wedding. I would hate to have to confiscate your phone,” she said, grinning widely, holding her hand out, palm up. “But I will if you force my hand. Consider it my duty as maid of honor.”

Xander grinned, then tucked his phone in the pocket of his jacket.

“You know, the year is winding down and we still haven’t discussed our New Year’s resolutions.” Alison changed the subject to one she brought up every single year at this damn holiday social.

Gia groaned. “I hate resolutions, Ally. I’m shit at following through on them. I’m skipping this year. Instead, I’ll go home tonight and ask the Magic 8-Ball if love is in the cards for me during the new year. If it says yes, I’ll up the effort on the online dating. If it says no, the pressure’s off.” Sadly, she was only half kidding.

Gus shook his head, chuckling. “When are you going to give up that stupid toy?”
