Page 36 of Meegan

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“It’s us. And you, but a lot of it is me. Watching this again showed me how much I like being this way, craving all the time. I thought that part of me had gone away and I’m just happy it’s still there. And yes, I want to share it with you.”

Olin had follow-up questions, but he knew they would ruin the moment, so he shifted up on his knee, perched over her, and kissed her on the mouth. Then he asked the one thing that would get them back on task. “What do you want the most right now, keeping in mind that we are not rushing? I’m not going anywhere. I just want to understand.”

Meegan reached up and toyed with the drawstrings on his hoodie. “I do need to apologize again. I haven’t watched some of this stuff in a while, so I’m a little emotional right now.”

“I am, too. I hope one day you’ll decide to be my girlfriend and I also just watched you do intercourse with two different men.”

Her expression dropped. “Are you okay with it?”

“Yeah. I only get annoyed when people aren’t upfront with me, but you’ve been very upfront so far.” Olin wasn’t sure Meegan would believe what he had to say next, but he said it anyway. “I don’t get jealous.”

She frowned this time. “Really? Like, at all?”

“If you tell me it’s only me, I believe you. If you want it to be me and five other dudes, I can make a decision to stay or go. The problem comes if you don’t tell me about the five other dudes. This—” he motioned toward her laptop. “This affects me on a level because I’ve never experienced it before. It’s a lot to process, but not in a bad way.”

“Oh, okay.” Meegan settled back in the corner of the couch, clamping her hands between her thighs like she was forcing herself to behave. Olin made a mental promise to give her exactly what she wanted as soon as he figured out what to do next. Olin closed the laptop and rubbed a hand over his face. He could feel his heartbeat in his skull.

“You okay?” Meegan asked. He could hear the frown in her voice. He squeezed his eyes shut before he looked at her. He didn’t know how to tell her that he’d never held off nutting for this long before. He didn’t believe in blue balls, but there was no doubt he felt the intense impact of denying himself something—someone he wanted so badly.

He felt the way he wanted her all over his body. He needed to focus, though. He pushed his arousal to the side and remembered the question he’d been meaning to ask her.

“Yeah, I’m good. Are there clips of you with Evelyn or Philip?” Olin asked. He wondered if he’d be able to see a difference between how she interacted with people who were considered her peers and the couple who had a marked level of authority in the situation.

“Oh. Uh, yeah, there are, but I can’t show them to you. Their privacy.”

“Right, of course.” Olin looked over at her again, his chest and his head and his dick throbbing. Meegan sat curled up on herself, her hands tucked between her thighs. They both needed this. Olin reached over and pushed her knees apart. He crawled over her, pressing her into the couch as he kissed her deeply. The feeling of her tongue against his lit something off in him, a bold curiosity he knew he’d chase for a long time. Yeah, they’d kissed before, but this felt different. The way she moaned into his mouth just added to it all.

When he finally pulled back, he almost asked her what she wanted again, but he hadn’t just watched most of that video for nothing. What had he learned?

“You want me to watch you?” he asked. Meegan nodded, her teeth gripping her bottom lip as her gaze zeroed in on his mouth. “Look at me.” Her eyes snapped toward his. “Do you want me to watch?” Olin carefully lowered his hips and pressed his bulge between her legs. He felt how warm she was even between the layers of their clothing. Meegan nodded again. Olin pressed himself closer and then again before he sat back and moved to the other end of the couch.

“Show me,” he said. He was so hard he felt like the ocean was roaring in his ears. His temples still throbbed in beat with his cock. He wasn’t exactly sure what Meegan was going to do, but he steeled himself enough to focus on the show.

She looked at him intently, probably thinking through her next move. She sat up suddenly, reached under her sweatshirt and undid her bra. She kept her eyes on Olin as she dropped it on the floor next to her socked foot. She sat back, pulling both of her heels up on the couch, her knees spread apart. She shoved her hand down the front of her dark leggings. Olin clearly couldn’t see exactly what her fingers were doing, but her fluttering eyelids and the backs of her fingers pushing against the fabric of her leggings did plenty for his imagination.

“Are you wet?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whimpered.


With her free hand, she pushed up her sweatshirt and exposed her soft stomach and large breasts. Olin couldn’t get over how smooth her skin looked. His fingers itched to touch her, but he waited. She skimmed her hands over both breasts before she tugged one of her nipples. She arched into the hand between her legs and that was when Olin heard the evidence of just how wet she was as it slipped between her fingers. He had to see her soaking, blushed pink pussy lips with his own eyes. Her fingers swirling over her clit and pushing deep inside. He had to see it.

“I want to come,” she whined, tugging her nipple even harder.

“Then come. Why would I stop you?” He figured he needed her to come at least eight times to satisfy her appetite before they made it up to his bed.

“I don’t wanna ruin the couch.”

Olin glanced down at the caramel colored leather of the couch he’d picked especially for his long legs and the softness of its cushions. “You can ruin the couch. Come.”

Her eyes slammed shut as she rubbed herself harder. Her little moans and gasps killing him more and more every second. “Are you watching me?” she asked.

“I am,” he said quietly.

“Watch me,” she chanted as her gaze dropped to focus on the hand between her legs. “Watch me. I want you to watch.”

“I’m watching. Don’t stop.”
