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“Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Wait, Noah . . .”

“Brazen, you just made me chug water, and now, you want me to wait? I have to pee!”

“I just wanted to tell you I love you, and no matter what that stick says, I can’t wait to start a family with you. You’re going to be the best mom.”

With my legs crossed, I lean in to press my lips to his. He’s always so sweet. That’s never changed over the years.

“I love you, too.”

“Okay, now, take those panties off, and pee on this damn stick!”

The vibe in this tiny bathroom switches so quick, I laugh again, which makes me have to pee even worse.

“Give a girl a little room to do her business. I can’t pee with you standing over me.”

“Fine, but I’m staying in the bathroom.”

“The stick isn’t going to sing out a pregnancy announcement. It takes minutes to give us an answer.” I hike up my dress, one that Brazen bought for me.

“Still not leaving, Noah.”

“Just read the directions,” I tell him with mock annoyance.

He carefully recites the instructions to me as I pee on the stick. Afterward, we sit on the bathroom floor with the test between us at our feet and hold hands while we wait to find out if we’re actually going to be parents. The timer Brazen set goes off, but neither of us reaches for the stick.

“Together?” I ask him.

“Together.” He reaches for the test and holds it between us.

Clear as day, we have our answer.

Brazen’s free hand moves to rest on my stomach. “Little Hashtag is growing inside you.” His hand sneaks up my dress and lovingly strokes my skin.

I can’t help the chortle that bubbles up. “We are definitely still not naming this baby Hashtag.” There is no way, no how.

We’re going to have a baby. I’m going to have Brazen’s child.

Whatever the name, I love him or her more than I ever thought I could love someone I’ve never laid eyes on, and that sentiment will only heighten as we expand our family.
