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“Please call me Beth. I hate formality, and I’ve never been a Mrs.”

I smile at the woman who holds such a motherly presence.

“Okay, Beth.”

She rushes forward and throws her arms around me. “How do you like your new job? Are my kids treating you well?” she asks as she releases me from a hug.

Sunday comes to stand beside us, wearing a smirk that holds secrets.

“Everything has been great so far, and I couldn’t have asked for better bosses.”

“Sit down, Beth. I’ll get you some coffee. Brazen should be in soon.” Sunday offers Beth her chair and disappears into the kitchen.

I take my seat back at my own desk. Before Sunday can return, Brazen walks in.

“Mom! What are you doing here?” There is nothing but affection in Brazen’s question as he moves to greet his mom. He leans down and kisses her cheek.

“Can’t I come to visit my kids? You both have been so busy lately. Even Sunday has been worse than you, and she usually remembers to text me.”

“Sorry, Mom,” both Sunday and Brazen say in unison as Sunday hands Beth a mug.

I’m biting my lip as Brazen turns from his mother and approaches me. When he’s close, he reaches out and brushes his finger against my bottom lip, halting me from worrying it between my teeth. He then ducks down and seals his mouth against mine for a tender, quick kiss … right in front of his mother.

A blush heats my face, and I lightly push off his advance. He just smirks at me, and Sunday shakes her head behind Beth’s back. I look for the reaction from the woman both my bosses call Mom, but she gives nothing away.

“Mom, this is Noah,” Brazen says while taking my hand.

“Noah and I are old friends. We’ve met, but it seems I didn’t realize who she was to you. Would you like to fill me in, my sweet boy?”

Brazen sits on the edge of my desk while he talks to his mom and continues to hold my hand. “Noah is someone I’m getting to know.” He keeps his answer vague.

Part of me is relieved because it’s way too soon to be meeting his mom, but on the other hand, it’s really way too soon for him to be kissing me in front of her.

“I can see that. Are you two getting to know each other seriously?” Beth pushes for more detail.

I attempt to take my hand from Brazen’s, but he tightens his hold.

Sunday moves through the room and takes a seat at Brazen’s desk. “Do you remember the time Brazen stole the neighbor’s dog and tried to hide Bugsy in his closet, but the dog wouldn’t stop barking?” She saves us, but Brazen doesn’t seem grateful as he groans.

Beth laughs and looks over at her son in a way that tells me her child is her whole world.

“I was six, and Mom wouldn’t get me a dog,” he explains.

The same age I was when my mom gave me away, and I thought it was because I had gone outside to chase a cat.

“How about the time his lawn business almost turned into a pyramid scheme?” Beth throws out, which makes Sunday crack up laughing.

I find myself smiling from ear to ear. He drops his face into his free hand. This is a story I want to hear.

“What’s your excuse for that one, Brazen?” I ask.

“That one, I don’t really have an excuse for. Let’s call it an adolescent indiscretion.”

“Teenage indiscretion? Mrs. Grim wanted to call the cops on you, and you were cutting free lawns for a year after that!” Sunday adds.

“Yeah, yeah. I see what’s going on here. Go ahead, ladies. Embarrass me.” His smile says he doesn’t really mind though.

His mom turns to me and smiles. “How much time do you have?”
