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Brazen and I sit in the kitchen, and he’s an absolute wreck as cops invade his home. We gave some hasty initial statements but the officers quickly went to work processing the scene. The timing for whatever happened outside couldn’t have been worse. Neither of us batted an eye at Sunday’s disappearance because we had been expecting it, but that blood on the grass and the overturned bush changed things.

“What if we’re overreacting? What if this is a misunderstanding, and we blow Sunday’s cover?”

I’ve already had this thought, but my gut tells me it isn’t likely. Right now, I need to find the words to reassure Brazen that everything is going to be okay when I really have no idea that it will.

“In a situation like this, I think we’re better off safe than sorry. We had to report it. You did the right thing. They’ll find Sunday, and she’ll come home, safe and sound.”

“Do you really believe that, or are you just saying it?” He looks to me for hope at a time when I’m not sure there is much of any.

I’m reminded of the week I spent spiraling about the letter from my mom. Brazen was my rock, and now, I need to be his.

“The only thing we can do right now is believe, Brazen. She’ll come home.”

He takes my hand and presses it to his lips. The tremors in his hand cause my nerves to kick into overdrive.

“Sorry, guys.” A pair of police officers approach us in the kitchen. “I know this is tough, but we need to talk to you both—separately.”

Brazen nods but doesn’t let go of my hand.

I stand and kiss his cheek. “Stay here and talk with the officer. I’ll go with the other officer. It’ll be okay. They’ll find her.”

He stares blankly at the man who will question him, and a piece of his sorrow hits me. I leave him in the kitchen and follow the other officer into the office.

“All right, Ms. Mackenzie, can you think of anyone who would want to hurt your friend Sunday?”

The answer to the officer’s question is an obvious one.

“Yes, if she’s missing or hurt, then it was her sort of ex-husband, Matt.”

“How can you be sure? What makes you say that?” His question isn’t asked in disbelief. He’s simply following up on his investigation.

I get it, but I just wish they’d go find Matt.

“He’s obsessive, and he has a long history of abusing her. A week ago, he beat the crap out of her, so she came to stay here. Matt’s been driving by her place, and he even went as far as to send flowers to my house for her.”

“Is there any history of this? Has she called the cops? Does she have a restraining order against him? Is there any trail of this behavior you’re alleging?”

“You’d have to ask Brazen for the specifics, but I know Sunday was having trouble with getting him held accountable for his actions. She’s turned for help and has a restraining order, but I’m not sure about the exact details of the reports or statements that have been logged.”

“You also told the officers earlier that you didn’t report her missing right away. Can you explain why not?”

“Well, Sunday found one of those underground women’s organizations that helps battered wives disappear. We weren’t alarmed when she didn’t come home, but when we saw the blood, we started to think something else had happened.”

I watch his face change to skeptical as I tell him about Sunday’s plan to flee. I wanted to make sure he had all the information, but I wonder if I should have kept that piece of information quiet.

“So, you’re telling me that you are aware our missing person had plans of running away?” He scribbles on a notepad, only glancing at me after I’ve taken too long to answer.

“Yes, but the blood. If Matt found out Sunday was planning on taking off, there is no telling what he might have done. Once we saw the evidence of foul play, we knew something wasn’t right.”

“You did the right thing by calling us, but oftentimes, these sorts of things end up being a big misunderstanding. Let’s not jump to conclusions too quickly. I’m sure your friend is fine somewhere.”

“But you’re going to investigate to make sure that’s the case, right?”

“Of course we are. Now, what else can you tell me about Matt?”

Not much. Brazen will have to fill in the blanks that I can’t.
